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39.谚语与惯用语(国外英语资料) --- the eighth chapter, proverbs and idioms that are common in conversation --- thirty-nine proverbs, idioms Regardless of this one and that one. Every, Tom, Dick, and, Harry. Every, Tom, Dick, and, Harry. A wave never rolled up again. Out, of, the, frying, pan, into, the, fire. Out, of, the, frying, pan, into, the, fire. Give up and be realistic. I live to eat. I live to eat. A blind cat meets a dead mouse. Every, dog, has, his, day. Every, dog, has, his, day. Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives. Speak of the devil. Speak of the devil. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Love is blind. Love is blind. Kill two birds with one stone. Kill, two, birds, with, one, stone. Kill, two, birds, with, one, stone. If you dont hear the news, its auspicious. No, news, is, good, news. No, news, is, good, news. The flight of time. Time flies. Time flies. Time is money. Time is money. Time is money. Art is better than art. Jack, of, all, trades, master, of, none. Jack, of, all, trades, master, of, none. Think twice before you act. Look before you leap. Look before you leap. Seeing is believing. Seeing is believing. Seeing is believing. ^ There are no waves without wind. There, is, no, smoke, without, fire. Honesty is the best policy. Honesty, is, the, best, policy. Honesty, is, the, best, policy. Better late than never. Better late than never. Better late than never. Boys are boys! Boys will be boys. Boys will be boys. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power. Rome was not built in a day. Rome wasnt built in a day. Rome, was, not, built, in, a, day. Rome, was, not, built, in, a, day. All roads lead to Rome. All, roads, lead, to, Rome. All, roads, lead, to, Rome. ^ rome. When, in, Rome, do, as, the, Romans, do. When, in, Rome, do, as, the, Romans, do. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect. History repeats itself. History repeats itself. History repeats itself. Felicity never turns out in pairs. ^ Disasters pile up on one


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