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Cube惯例(国外英语资料) Whats the purpose of cube testing? And why do women consistently respond well to the test, and say what the most basic cube tests can do for you? Oh, it will play a big part in your temptation...... First, avoid boredom - - ---- Falling into boring conversation is one of the most common mistakes a man can make. To get to know women, all they can think of is the same old question: where do you live and what you do? What else do you do?...... (a man accustomed to contusion and wrong) and the cube is as a unique small things will transfer your conversation from the facts and information to the emotional level, introducing more meaningful to her, something more important in the discussion. Second, let her take the bait Women love to play games. You might think its too vulgar, or too new age, but believe me, women will bite. Just look at any of the womens magazines, and Im sure youll see all kinds of personal tests and games. Magazines know womens preferences, and so should we. Cube tests attract women to your conversation. You can even say hello and take her aside: come on, Ill show you something interesting...... Third, show value and personality ---- Youll show women a lot of value when you use cube tests. The simplest thing is, youre the man who leads the conversation, its attractive, and deep down, you can show that you understand women, you know what they want, and you show that youre different from other men. And by reading the cube, you also show your personality and self. Fourth, establish contact ---- Cube testing can help build rapport and rapport. The woman who shares your cube with you also gives you a gift that you can penetrate into a real her. She will enter a state of vulnerability / vulnerability exposure. When you get to know her and show yourself, she will see that you understand her, and she will see you for her gift and accept her, begin to trust you more, sharing this vulnerability would have been the majority of men may be combined


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