MY S I X CH R I S TMA S大学泛读(国外英语资料).doc

MY S I X CH R I S TMA S大学泛读(国外英语资料).doc

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MY S I X CH R I S TMA S大学泛读(国外英语资料)

MY S I X CH R I S TMA S大学泛读(国外英语资料) s in x and r in the tmas Ⅰ. 难点注释 1. y mother had put the money in it and sealed it up. (p.110, l; 23) 意为: 我的母亲已在信封中放了钱并把它 封上了. seal up 意为 封牢. 如: hey, sealed up the cracks in the window to stop the icy wind from blowing in. 他们把窗户的缝隙都封了, 防 止冷风吹进来. 2. as long as i had to stay in the house anyway, they were all right. (p.111, l.37) 意为: 只要我待在家里, 鞋垫就没有问题. as long as 意为 只要. 如 s long as you understand, we all say no more. 只要你 明白了, 我们都不再说了. 3. we didnt? ? t take a sunday paper any more. ... (p). 111. l.39) 意为: 我们不订阅《星期天》报? ? take 意为buy or pay to have the 选订, 选购. 如: we take the local newspaper. 我们订阅了当地的报纸. 4. ... .see the neighbor? it? s children, all dressed up, going to the sunday school. (p.111, l.46) 意为: 看到邻居家的孩子都 穿着节日的服装到主日学校去. dress up 意为make oneself more attractive pes. with cloth - ing 穿衣打扮. 如: t? s quite an informal gathering; you needn? t dress up? for it. 这是非正式聚会, 你不必为此打扮. 5. i had supper with them, and was allowed to sit up for an hour. (p.112, l.56) 意为: 我和他们一起吃晚饭, 晚上允 许我迟睡一小时. sit up 意为stay up late; not to go to bed 熬夜, 晚睡. 如: on? t sit up for me in f? ? m late. 要是我回来晚了别等 我. 6. my father cleared his throat, and his face took on a joking look. (p.112, l. 61) 意为: 父亲清了清嗓子, 脸上露出诙 谐的神情. take on 意为begin to have appearance 出现, 露出. 如: after the family put up a christmas decorations, the sitting room took on a holiday appearance. 一家人挂上圣 诞装饰物后, 客厅里呈现出节日气氛. was more like pulling the tooth, to get it over with. ... (p.113, l.89) 意为: 它更像是拔牙一样, 度过那一难 关..get over (with) 意为reach the end of (usu. something unpleasant) 结束, 熬过 . 如: ou? ? ll be glad to get your operation over (with). 你做 完手术会感到高兴的. Ⅱ.我的第六个圣诞节 尽管他的父母极力不让他知道家里的困境, 但发生的一系列怪事最终使作者痛苦地意识到这一事实.请读下文, 了解一个6 岁的孩子是怎样经历了这一沉重的打击. 那年的秋天, 在发现我的两只鞋底磨破之前, 我仍然到主日 学校去上学.有一次这所学校的校长对全校学生作了一次讲话. 他说当前是困难时期, 许多穷孩子得不到足够的食物以填饱肚 子.这事我还是头一次听说.他要求每个人在下个星期天都带一 些食物给这些穷孩子.我为这些穷孩子感到非常难过. 同时, 一些小信封分发给了所有的班级.每个小学生在下个 星期天要带钱给穷孩子.那位漂亮的主日学校老师解释说我们要 把自己的名字或让父母把我们的名字写在信封的左上角..回到 家我把这一切都告诉了我妈妈.到了下个星期天妈妈交给我一小 袋


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