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oracle进阶(多表操作)(国外英语资料) * The following code displays the width of the EMP table, /dept table, and /salgrade table * / Col empno for 9999; Col ename for a10; Col job for a10; Col Mgr for 9999; Col hiredate for a12; Col Sal for 9999; Col comm for 9999; Col deptno for 99; Col dName for a14; Col LOC for a14; Col grade for 9999; Set PageSize 20; Select * from emp; Select * from dept; Select * from salgrade; // The Cartesian sets of the employee tables and department tables (the sum of the Cartesian table = the number of columns and the number of rows) Select * From, Dept, salgrade; The resulting table, the column is the sum of the child table columns, and the row is the product of each child table row No actual meaning the Cartesian set, we have to set the interesting results from Descartes selected data in If a table name is used to obtain the field in a table The equivalent connection shows the employees number, name, and department Select, emp.empno, emp.ename, dept.dname From, EMP, Dept Where emp.deptno=dept.deptno; Use table aliases and equivalent connections to display employee numbers, names, and departments Select, e.empno, e.ename, d.dname From, EMP, e, Dept, D Where e.deptno=d.deptno; The Oracle table name cannot appear as Guan Jian characters. Fields are OK Unequal value connections show the number, name, salary, level of the employee, as long as they are not using = Select, e.empno, e.ename, e.sal, s.grade From, EMP, e, salgrade, s Where, e.sal, between, s.losal, and, s.hisal; [left outer connection], according to the Department, statistics staff number, display department number, department name, number Select, d.deptno, department number, d.dname, department name, count (e.deptno) number From, Dept, D, EMP, e Where d.deptno=e.deptno (+) Group, by, d.deptno, d.dname; The (+) number must appear in the where clause, According to (+) appear in = two, different position, name is not relative: (+) appears on the left of the sign, called the right [outer] connecti


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