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传染性肺结核诊断标准及处理原则(国外英语资料) Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for infectious pulmonary tuberculosis (2003-12-1, 9:55:11) China Times International Information Network 1, the subject content and scope of application This standard sets the diagnostic standard and treatment principle of infectious pulmonary tuberculosis. This standard is applicable to the clinical and laboratory diagnosis of infectious pulmonary tuberculosis at all levels of health, epidemic prevention and health care institutions. 2 diagnosis Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mycobacterium, tuberculosis), which can affect all organs of the body, especially tuberculosis. Pulmonary tuberculosis patients with sputum bacteria are infectious pulmonary tuberculosis. They are the source of infection and epidemic of TB in the society, and are the primary control objects. 2.1, two sputum specimens were smear positive, acid fast bacilli or isolated culture mycobacteria positive. 2.2 chest X-ray showed signs of pulmonary tuberculosis. 3 treatment principle 3.1 TB patients produce tiny droplets of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in coughing, sneezing, talking, etc. they can float in the air and cause TB to spread. To discourage the patient from coughing or sneezing, use a handkerchief, mask, etc. to cover your mouth and nose, and do not spit anywhere. Sputum can be treated by incineration, boiling and chemical sterilization. In addition, the strengthening of indoor air circulation, sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, the use of anti tuberculosis drugs, treatment of patients, etc., can effectively reduce and prevent the spread of tuberculosis. 3.2 close contacts of infectious pulmonary tuberculosis patients (especially children), should contact examination, including tuberculin test and chest X-ray examination, according to different situations, using BCG vaccination, preventive treatment, prevention measures of follow-up. 3.3 treatment 3.3.1 principle



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