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国际法疑难题目集锦(国外英语资料) 30., the government of the Republic of China and the country of A signed a resource development contract in the country of A, and the company said the government did not pay the relevant funds in time. After the dispute, a state explicitly expressed its waiver of jurisdictional immunity in respect of the case. According to the rules of international law, which of the following is true? (in 2010, Volume 1, radio thirtieth) A. the court of state B may seal up the property of a state B. the court of state B cannot, in principle, enforce a judgment on a state unless a state expressly waives the waiver of immunity in the case C. if a third country court has imposed a judgment on a state, the court of second instance may enforce the judgment on a state D. if the state of Canada advocates restrictive immunity, it may enforce the judgment on a country [answer] B National sovereignty immunity Parse [option] A error, option B correct. State sovereign immunity refers to the act of the state and its property, not subject to or subject to the jurisdiction of other states. 31. a country built its own country on a reef in its declared exclusive economic zone. An artificial island. The country intends to lay a submarine cable through the exclusive economic zone of a country. According to the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea, which of the following is true? ((2010, Vol. 1, radio thirty-first) A. a country cannot build an artificial island on the reef B. a state has jurisdiction over the construction and use of the artificial islands C. a country has territorial sovereignty over the artificial islands D. B countries shall not lay submarine cables in the exclusive economic zone of a country [answer] B [test site] exclusive economic zone Resolution [option] A / C error, option B is correct. The legal status of an exclusive economic zone is neither territorial nor high seas. 32., China intends to negotiate with the United Nations on the relevant trade t


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