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对接受式学习与发现式学习的比较分析(国外英语资料) China cadre education training network - headmaster training platform Author title key Numbering: Password: The analysis of contemporary society and contemporary education theory | | education curriculum and teaching reform | school management school | cost benefit Comparative education | school | diagnosis and consultation of school psychological education evaluation | | modern educational technology The education scientific research | comprehensive management practice | campus security | leading science and art | culture art Document writing | education laws and policies | moral education | quality education | public management A comparative analysis of learning by docking and learning by discovery Release time: 2006-09-25 15:10:39 Author: Meng Qingnan Source: National Institute of Education Administration [Abstract] there are two ways of students learning style, namely, accepting study and discovering learning. The analysis of the present study is to accept the teachers knowledge oriented learning, discovery learning is based on students self inquiry oriented learning, both of them have their own superiority, also have certain limitations, both of them are different and closely linked. Acceptance learning and discovery learning are not all meaningful learning, and bad use will become mechanical learning or passive learning. What we are advocating is meaningful acceptance, learning and discovery learning, while opposed to using discovery learning instead of receiving learning. Acceptance learning; discovery learning; mechanical learning; passive learning; meaningful learning In the learning mode of students, always have a variety of ideas and practices, but from the angle of educational psychology, all kinds of ideas and practices can be roughly divided into two categories: Reception Learning and discovery learning. Reception learning has a long history, so it can be said that since there is a school, there will be accepted learning. Howe


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