房价上涨的冷思考 房地产业的结构矛盾是主因(国外英语资料).doc

房价上涨的冷思考 房地产业的结构矛盾是主因(国外英语资料).doc

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房价上涨的冷思考 房地产业的结构矛盾是主因(国外英语资料)

房价上涨的冷思考 房地产业的结构矛盾是主因(国外英语资料) Housing prices affect the hearts of the people. Relevant analysis, the most fundamental reason for the rise in prices is the real estate industry itself structural and institutional contradictions. Structural contradictions manifested in: low investment, low prices of commercial housing for a long time, the proportion is too low; non residential commercial housing proportion is too large. Luxury homes, such as the proportion of residential high, to promote the expansion of demand for personal housing loans. Housing prices continued to rise sharply will lead to a variety of adverse effects: easily lead to real big drop, affecting the economic development; especially the production prices pull prices rise too fast; restricting the growth of savings and other consumption; to stimulate investment in real estate development and expansion of signs of a rebound. After house prices have gone up all the way, it is time for the market parties to think calmly. A research report of the National Bureau of statistics Chinese Economic Monitoring Center believes that the current real estate has achieved remarkable results in the macro-control, but some prominent contradictions have not been fundamentally resolved, new problems emerge. Development of investment rebound signs, prices continued to rise sharply, the existence of the real estate industry two outstanding issues. Chinas real estate industry will be excessive investment expansion, reproduction, signs of rebound and prices all the way up and other irrational development, the most fundamental reason is the real estate industry itself structure and system contradictions. The real estate industry is the main reason for structural contradictions The structural contradictions in the real estate industry are manifested in: On the one hand, in the residential structure, for a long time, low investment, low price of commercial housing is too low. January to February this year, the price of affordable


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