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春季养肝(国外英语资料) If the liver is the bodys health big inner pipe, this is not excessive. People have a good liver, there is a colorful life, is also very reasonable. The liver is the largest organ in the body and the most important organ of metabolism in the body. The liver is the most important center of human metabolism, metabolism is the largest organ in the body, many substances and nutrients are in the center of liver metabolism synthesis, decomposition and transformation or storage, known as the body of the chemical factory. The liver is a protein metabolism center, responsible for transforming the sugar and sugar metabolism; liver fat decomposition and transformation, and bear the vitamin, hormone metabolism; liver secretion of digestive enzymes and bile to help digest food and food into energy and nutrition. The liver is the most important human blood purification and detoxification, detoxification and purification undertakes the function of blood coagulation factor; liver production, in the embryo liver and hematopoietic function, and liver storing blood, regulating the blood volume. The liver is the bodys Defense Center, the liver has phagocytosis, killing and scavenging action, to resist foreign bodies and bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms. Hubei Provincial Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital Cheng Liangbin liver disease, in addition, the liver has the effect of regulating peoples emotions. TCM believes that the liver, the wood gas impulse and up like the analogy to the liver function, in the five line, which belongs to the wood, the function of the liver function mainly in mental adjustment, promote digestion and absorption, and to maintain the operation of blood three. In Chinese medicine, the liver is the officer of the general. 2 thousand years ago, q? Lan Ling said: the secret code of liver, general officer, thinking out of yan. The liver is unlike the general systemic strategies of the operation of Qi and blood, can catharsis human


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