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Weapon code:
00: -- -
01: lightsaber grade 1
02: lightsaber level 2
03: lightsaber level 3
04: lightsaber level 4
05: lightsaber 5 R F91
06: level 1 beam gun
07: beam gun level 2
08: light gun 3 level zito 1
Level 4 09: beam gun
A: 0 level 5 beam gun
0B: 1 zito 1
Missile 2 0 c:
Missile 3 0 d:
0 e: either
0 f: photon radiation
10: mechanical blade
11: flame throwers
12: neutron knife gold 1
13: atom drill gold 1
14: lightning gold 2
15: light boomerang gold 2
16: proton gun gold 3
17: pressure drill gold 3
Gaeta tomahawk 18:1
Gaeta tomahawk 19:2
1 1 a: gaeta rays
Gaeta ray 1 b: 2
1 c: gaeta rays 3
1 d: abrasion drill 1
1 e: abrasion drill 2
1 f: pneumatic drill 1 god
20: god pneumatic drill 2
21: frozen liquid 1
22: frozen liquid 2
Gaeta missile 23:1
Gaeta missile 24:2
25: long-range laser gun 1 ware 4
26: long-range laser gun 2
27: high-energy laser beam ZZ zitto 2, 3
High energy lightsaber 1 ZZ2
29: high energy light swords 2 ZZ3
2A: laser child gun 2
2B: laser mother gun 3 R
2C: laser mother gun 1
2D: neutron gun 1 F91
2E: neutron gun 2 F91
2F: hand-held beam gun
30: the spiral shredder, gurian 1
31: anti-gravity storm gurian 1
32: the cross of the dart gulan 2
33: cosmic lightning gurian 2
34: double hook
35: double tomahawk 1
36: double tomahawk 2
37: double blade tomahawk 3 dragons
The chain gun 3 tiger 3
39: the chain gun 1 tiger 1
3A: the chain gun 2 tiger 2
3B: gray missile 1 tiger 1
3C: grey missile 2 tiger 2
3 d: cyclone cannon 1
3 e: cyclone gun 2
3 f: torpedo 1
40:2 torpedo
41: combination knife 1
42: pulse wave
43: combination knife 2
44: ray guns 1
45: serrated knife
46: ray gun 2
47: SaSiJian
48: revolver
49: the laser gun
4 a: laser gun
4 b: rockets
4 c: laser 1
Laser 2 4 d:
4 e: laser 3
4 f: packing 1
50: packing 2
51: laser scalpel
52: whip
53: rifle
: 54 pistol
55: dissolved liquid
Angle of 56:
57: tomahawk
58: destroy the light 1
59: destroy the light 2
5 a: spear
5 b: venom
5 c: infrared
5D: Apollo A
5 e: artillery
5 f: lo
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