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Windows_Server_2008常用优化设置(国外英文资料) Windows Server 2008 is often optimized for Settings Windows 2008 is commonly used for optimization Settings How to turn off the UAC? Control panel - user account - opens or closes user account control - cancels user account control (UAC) to help protect your computer. How to cancel the boot press CTRL + ALT + DEL? The control panel, the management tool, the local security policy, the local policy, the security option, and the interactive login: no need to press CTRL + ALT + DEL to enable. How to cancel the reason for the shutdown? Start to run gpedit.msc, computer configuration, management template, system, display close event tracker, disable. How to achieve automatic login? Start - run - input control userpasswords2 command to open the Windows user account, first select the account to automatically log in, to choose to use the machine, the user must enter the user name password check box, enter the account password (the premise is to close the UAC). How to cancel the default sharing of each boot? Import the following contents into the registry and restart (if you close the UAC). The Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Lanmanserver \ Parameters] AutoShareServer = dword:How to cancel the security configuration for IE enhancement? The right computer right hand, management, server manager, security information, configure IE ESC, popup window, administrator and user are disabled. How to enable Vista theme? The right hand of the computer, the management, the server manager, the function summary and the add function, choose to install the desktop experience. Start the Themes service and set the start type to be automatic. Right-click on the desktop, personalize the theme, select the corresponding Vista theme. How do you change the users document by default? Start menu, document, right, location TAB, change to custom path. How do you recover your computer icon from


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