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计算机测试2(国外英文资料) Quarterly 2 (2 points for each question, 28, 56) How do you verify that the Alienware M17x R1 independent video card is closed in the BIOS? (B) The main-discrete Graphics option in A.B IOS The Advanced Graphic setting, the Hybrid graphics option in b.b.ios Mount IOS in General - system information Advance in db IOS - Discrete option How to enable Nvidia Optimus technology with the LAT E6420 of the pre-installed WIN7 32 system? (A) Select the BIOS video - Optimus option to enable the enable Optimus option B. Set the power to enable high performance in the system In OS, adding a program to the blacklist is enabled The Hybrid graphic option for the Advance menu in d.b.ios is enabled What is the correct way to restore the BIOS default value for LATE6400? (B) A. in the BIOS main screen, select Load defaults for the EXIT menu Click the load defaults button in the BIOS main screen In the BIOS main screen, press F9 key recovery The BIOS main interface is restored by F10 key Which of the following can confirm that the Alienware M17x R3 has an independent graphics card? (C) The Integrated Graphics project for the MAIN menu in A.B IOS The left General menu - the left Settings option - the Video controller view The Discrete Graphics project for the MAIN menu in C.B IOS The left General menu - the System information project, the left Video controller view 5. Can you tell me the M17X configuration showing a laptop in the device manager only integrated graphics, and cant find discrete graphics hardware, hardware scan faults in the device manager, still top priority usually take steps is one which of the following? (D) A. consider A reloading system B. refresh the BIOS to handle Consider reloading graphics CARDS See if the Hybrid Graphic is enabled in the BIOS What is the following specification for the Inspiron 660 desktop video card slot? (D) Anderson, SA slot B.A GP slot C.P CI slot D.P CI - E slot Uninstall the graphics driver in the device manager to completely



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