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题目 个人博客的设计与实现
学院 (部): 计算机工程学院
校内指导教师: xx(讲师)
校外指导教师: xx(高级工程师)
完成日期: 2015年 5月
摘 要:
关键词:博客 信息 网站 交流 JSP SQL2000
Blog is a personal publishing center on the Internet,everyone can put their thoughts and feelings down on paper and to update the blog up. Blog to enter China in 2000,has developed rapidly,has now become an important part of life to many Internet users in the network.
With the widespread use of the Internet,the blog has now become an important information dissemination,have an enormous impact on human information dissemination and exchange.Since the blog appeared,with many suitors,not only because it is a symbol of the trend, and more convenient to be able to express their emotional content,so that a better exchange between people.
With the rapid development of computer networks,the rapid rise of the blog,blog system has become the trend of the limelight networks emerging cultural systems.The new role of fashion blog network has knowledge of filtration and accumulation, or a depth of communication.Based on the many features blog in the rapid development of modern computer networks, understanding new things in network,learn new knowledge network,in-depth understanding of blog, is very necessary. Blog system as the carrier,and its design and implementation is also of great significance.
The site is divided into front and back office,you van view articles and comment on articles and other features.The blog site also has displayed all the bloggers and review articles, published
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