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南京林业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 双幅面3×12尺装卸板机结构设计 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 摘要 在工业自动化生产中,无论是单机还是组合机床,以及自动生产流水线,都要用工件的取放。对主要是位置识别、运动方向控制和物料是否存在的判别。任务是将传送带A上的工件或物品搬运到传送带B上。它特别是在高温、高压、多粉尘、易燃、易爆、放射性等恶劣环境中,以及笨重、单调、频繁的操作中代替人作业,因此获得日益广泛的应用。的是的一个重要分支。它在构造和性能上兼有人和机器各自的优点,尤其体现了人的智能和适应性。作业的准确性和各种环境中完成作业的能力,在国民经济各领域有着广阔的发展前景。 内容:卸板机结构设计;机构参数计算设计;绘制工程图。目的及意义。卸板机在贴面线设备中应用较多,它是一种搬运稳定性好,同时实现装板和卸板功能。卸板机结构设计涉及到机械设计,力学计算,加工制造工艺等学科的知识,通过对卸板机结构设计,使学生对学过得知识进一步巩固,提高学生设计能力及综合应用能力。本课题对学生所学知识和技能的要求:学生对机械设计,机械制造工艺,力学理论知识相当熟悉,对液压、电器控制具有一定的基础,熟悉CAD,Proe等绘图软件。 关键词:卸板机 贴面设备 自动化 贴面生产线 Abstract In industrial automation production, whether single or combination machine tools, as well as the automatic production line, to the workpiece to take place. For handling is mainly to distinguish whether the identification of location, direction of motion control and material existence. Loading and unloading machine will be the task of a conveyor belt workpiece transporting goods or A onto a conveyor belt B. Loading and unloading machine using motor drive the workpiece conveying transmission, it especially at high temperature, high pressure, dust, flammable, explosive, radioactive and other harsh environments, and heavy and drab, frequent operation instead of operations, so get more extensive application. Loading and unloading machine is an important branch of the production line. The structure and performance of both people and machines to their respective advantages, especially the peoples intelligence and adaptability. The ability to complete the work loading and unloading machine operating accuracy and various environments, there are broad prospects for development in the field of national economy. Loading and unloading machine relative to the intelligent robot is more simple, low cost, easy maintenance, suitable for small and medium enterprises put into use. Objective and significance of the research content: Content: unloading machine structure design; design and calculation of parameters of mechanism; eng



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