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物理推荐信 篇一:物理美国推荐信 解读美国留学推荐信模板 [导读]解读美国留学推荐信模板解读美国留学推荐信模板,很多学生为了出国留学阅读了大量的留学资讯,但是还不知 道申请如何下手,下面是美国留学推荐信模板的详细解析。 (申请人的学校) 教授名 xxxx professor(老师职位)department of xxxxx(所在系)学校名 学校地址 (申请的学校) xxxxx department xxxxx university to whom it may concern:this letter is to support xxxxxx application for studying in the xxxxxx program in xxxxxx department in xxxxxxxuniversity (可以修改一下) (第一大段) i am an xxxxxx professor in the department of xxxxxx, 学校名字.(第二大段)我如何认识申请人的??我觉得申请人是一个怎么样的人??(小例子) 我认为申请人 的综合素质怎么样?? (第三大段) 具体的事例,这里举一个大一些的例子,能够说明问题的,比如申请人的一些道德品质, 专业知识。有研究项目的把项目说清楚,自己在项目里是做什么的。 申请人的特点及优势是什么?是否有一些不足?(第四大段) program in xxxxxx department without reservation. should you need any further information about him, please do not hesitate to contact me. sincerely yours, xxxxxx xxxxx professor department of xxxxxcollege of xxxxxx 学校名字 写推荐信的目的 首先还是说说写推荐信的目的吧,为什么要写推荐信,其实最主要的就是因为申请的学 校需要 ,这好像没有什么可说的,但是可以想想为什么学校要我们提供推荐信呢?原因相信 大家也心里很明白,当然是为了更好的了解我们,每一年学校都会收到上千份的申请,老美 就会想:到底谁更适合自己的program?为了找到最适合自己的人,老美就必须要更好的了 解我们,要了解我们的学术能力,专业知识水平,甚至是道德水平。当然这些在我们的ps 里可以完全体现出来,但是ps是我们自己写的,带有浓厚的主观意识,而推荐信是第三人对 我们的评价,往往比ps要客观的多,所以老美还是很看中推荐信的,往往一封牛的推荐信可 以弥补我们gt成绩的不足。 举几个例子: 1.美国留学推荐信范文:工程专业 li li chinese academy of sciencesbeijing 100080, p.r. chinadean school of graduate studies and research dear colleagues:i have known mr. ren since 1991, when he was admitted as a master of engine ering candidate into the institute. as his research adviser, i directed his research and found him a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. during his first year, he got a very good record in major courses. he particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as artificial intelligence and neural network.judging by his outstanding performance while he studied with me, i am convinced that mr. ren has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which he can undertake world-class training. i therefore lend him my enthusiastic support a


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