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大理学院学报 第10卷第11期 20 11年11月 JOURNAL OF DALI UNIVERSITY Vol.10 No.11 Nov. 20 11 室内设计中的绿化设计探析 王海帆 (云南大学艺术与设计学院,昆明 650009) 摘要]室内设计是承载人类情感和审美的桥梁,人类寄希望于室内设计来改善生存环境,提升生活品质。随着生活水平提高和 审美意识提升,住在城市钢筋混凝土方盒子中的人们越发向往自然,渴望拥有生态自然的室内环境。室内绿化设计能有效改善 室内环境,净化室内空气,在一定程度上调节室内温度和湿度,有益于人居的健康。绿化设计是室内设计的重要组成部分,室内 绿化能有效满足人的精神需求,使人获得生态自然、心灵静谥、精神愉悦的身心体验。 关键词]室内设计;绿化设计;植物 中图分类号]J525.1 文献标志码]C 文章编号]1672-2345(2011 )11-0057-03 On the Greening Design in Interior Designs WANG Haifan (悦ollege of Art and Design, Yunnan University, Kunming 650009, China) Abstract 〕Interior design is a load of human emotion and aesthetic bridge. Interior design hopes to improve the human living environment, as well as the quality of life. With the improvement of living standard and aesthetic awareness, the urban people living in the house of concrete box long for nature and desire to live in an eco -natural interior environment. Indoor greening design is conducive to the health of both human and living condition in its effective improving the interior environment, cleaning the indoor air, as well as adj usting the temperature and humidity. Greening design is one of the important parts in interior design. And indoor greening could satisfy peoples spiritual needs for eco-nature and their quiet and pleasant spirit. Key words 〕interior design; greening design; plant 建筑从最初遮风避雨、抵御猛兽侵袭的庇护 环境设计并属于软环境设计的范畴。室内绿化设计 到现代、舒适的温馨家园,人类的居住条件发生了 有两层含义,狭义的室内绿化仅指各类绿色植物和 翻天覆地的变化。现代意义上的室内设计已不仅仅 花卉,广义的室内绿化还包括盆艺、山石、水体等, 停留在满足遮风避雨的层面上,随着生活水平的提 植物和山石、水体相辅相成、相互影响,共同丰富室 高和审美意识的提升,人们对室内环境提出更高


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