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* Today,I want to introduce somethings about South Korea to you! South Korea Attractions韩国景点: 一.Jeju Island济州岛:it is South Koreas largest island, it is a typical volcanic island, one of the worlds new seven wonders of nature. 它是韩国最大的岛屿,是一座典型的火山岛,世界新七大自然奇观之一 1.2 million years ago, volcanic activity and the formation, through the center of the island formed by volcanic eruption of 1950 meters above sea level the highest peak --- Korea Halla (Mt.Halla) 120万年前火山活动而形成,岛中央是通过火山爆发而形成的海拔1950米的韩国最高峰———汉拿山(Mt.Halla) Famous attractions著名景点:1.Window on China Theme Park小人国主题乐园2.Teddy Bear Museum泰迪熊博物馆 3.Cheonjeyeon Falls天帝渊瀑布 4.Folk Village Museum民俗村博物馆 二、Seoul首尔: Seoul is South Koreas largest city, international metropolis首尔是韩国最大的城市,国际化大都市 Seoul is the world‘s top ten financial centers, an important economic center of the world, the price is expensive, the consumer price index fifth in the world。 首尔是世界十大金融中心之一,世界重要的经济中心,物价昂贵,消费者物价指数世界第五。 2008, Seoul by Forbes magazine as the worlds sixth largest economic city. Seoul is the worlds design capital and a high degree of digitization of the city, its digital opportunity index ranked first in the world. 2008年,首尔被《福布斯》杂志列为世界第六大经济城市。首尔也是世界设计之都和一个高度数字化的城市,其数字机会指数排名世界第一。 三.Cheong Wa Dae青瓦台:Cheong Wa Dae is the South Korean presidents residence, located in Jongno, Seoul Sejong Road, 青瓦台是韩国总统官邸,位于首尔市钟路区世宗路一号 Cheong Wa Dae Korea political center of the most notable features is its tiles, also known as the Blue House for the Blue House, which is the Republic of Koreas presidential palace and political center. 韩国政治中心青瓦台最显著的特征就是它的青瓦,也有人称青瓦台为“蓝宫”,它是大韩民国的总统官邸及政治中心。 四.Busan釜山:Busan at the southeastern end of 450km,it is South Koreas second largest city, famous international city 釜山位于韩国首尔东南端450km处,是韩国的第二大城市,国际著名都市 Busan seafood and beaches are very famous, there are a large number of islands, which is very rich in tourism resources 釜山的海产品和海滩都非常著名,还有有众多的岛屿,其旅游资源十分丰富 五.Weishan蔚山: Weishan is South Korea one of the major cities of football 蔚山是韩国足


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