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美食中华游 Enjoying Food in China Chinese wokking is popular both at home and abroad with a longstanding reputation. Chinese flavors with a unique multinational style are delicious. (gastronomy) Main schools of the world cuisine The French cuisine The Italian cuisine The Chinese cuisine Composition of the Chinese cuisine 地方菜 regional / local wokking 宫廷菜 royal dishes 官府菜 Official cuisine 斋(寺院)菜 Buddhist dishes 少数民族菜 Ethnic specialties 各地名特小吃 Snacks and dim sums China’s Famous Eight of Cuisine 鲁 (Shandong cuisine) 川 (Sichuan cuisine) 粤 (Cantonese Wokking) 闽 (Fujian cuisine) 苏 (Jiangsu cuisine) 浙 (Zhejiang cuisine) 湘 (Hunan cuisine) 徽 (Anhui cuisine) -----Beijing Cuisine Guangdong Cuisine A glimpse of cuisine history 庖正(RANK)----肉林酒池(Shang Dynasty)---周代八珍---《吕氏春秋·本纪》----食疗专著《备急千金药方》(T)----元代忽思慧《饮膳正要》-----清代袁枚《随园食单》----满汉全席 中华主要菜系 Main Schools of Chinese Cuisine 中国烹调与口味 Chinese Wokking and Flavors 1.烹调准备工作 preparations for cooking 1.脱/剥壳shelling: 剥虾仁 Shelled shrimps 豌豆shelling pea pods 2.打鳞scaling: 去鱼鳞scaled fish 去虾线devein 3.剥皮skinning: 去皮青蛙skinned frog 4.去骨boning: 去骨鹅掌boned duck web 5.去核stoning/pitting: 去水果核stoning fruit 6.腌制pickling/ salted: 咸酸菜pickled vegetables 7.打芡dressing: 为煎鱼勾芡dressing a fried fish 8.刮皮scraping: 土豆scraping potatoes 9.削皮paring: 萝卜paring a turnip / a radish 10.剥皮peeling: 香蕉peeling a banana 11.刨丝grating: 土豆丝grating potato 2.刀功与备料 Cutting and preparing supplies before cooking 1.切丁Dicing: 鸡丁 diced chicken; chicken cubes 2.切片Slicing: 切鱼片 sliced fish; fish slices 3.挡Cutting (open) : 挡鱼 cutting open a fish 4.捣烂Mashing: 捣薯泥 mashed potatoes; 蒜蓉 mashed garlic 姜蓉 mashed ginger 5.切碎Mincing 切肉末 minced meat; minced beef 6.片肉Filleting: 做腰片 filleting a kidney 7.切丝Shredding: 切肉丝 shredded meat; pork shreds 8.切柳filleting: 炸鱼柳 Fried fillet of fish 9.拍扁Flattening: 拍扁蒜苗 flattening garlic shoots 10.拍碎Crushing/ mashing 拍碎杏仁 crushing almond 1


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