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O.Henry__One of the greatest short-novel-tellers in the world Content I. Life introduction II.O.Henrys works III.O.Henrys writing style IV.His influence About his name Pen name :O.Henry (1862-1910) Another pen name :Olivier Henry His primitive name :Williams Sydney Porter 入狱风波 1891年,欧· 亨利在First National Bank of Austin 做一名职员,正当他的生活颇为安定之时, 却发生了一件改变他命运的事情。 1896年,奥斯汀银行指控他在任职期间盗用资金。他为了躲避受审,逃往洪都拉斯。 1897年,后因回家探视病危的妻子被捕入狱,判处5年徒刑。在狱中曾担任 药剂师,他在银行工作时,曾有过写作的经历,担任监狱医务室的药剂师后开始认真写作。他开始以欧· 亨利为笔名写作短篇小说,于《麦克吕尔》 杂志发表。 About his life William Sydney Porter was born in Greensboro (格林斯博罗[美国北卡罗来纳州中北部城市]),North Carolina . His father was a physician . When William was three , his monther died ,and he was raised by paternal(父亲般的) grandmother and maiden (未婚的)aunt . William was an avid reader ,but at the age of fifteen he left school ,and then worked in a drug store and on a Texas ranch . He continued to Houston ,where he had a number of jobs ,including accountant ,land board clerk ,reporter and so on. About his life In 1887 he married Athol and his wife encouraged him to pursue his writing. Athol gave birth to a son in 1888, who died hours after birth. 1889.his daughter, Margaret Worth Porter was born. About his life O. Henrys last years were shadowed by alcoholism, ill health, and financial problems. O. Henry died of cirrhosis of the liver(肝硬化),complications of diabetes (糖尿病)and an enlarged heart on June 5, 1910, in New York. During his lifetime, O. Henry published 10 collections and over 600 short stories. Main works Cabbages and Kings 白菜与国王 The Four Million 四百万 The Gift of Magi 麦琪的礼物 The Last Leaf 最后一片叶子 Mammon and the Archer 财神和爱神 The Ransom of Red Chief 红色酋长的救赎 The Furnished Room 带家具出租的房间 The Cop and the Anthem 警察和赞美诗 After?Twenty?Years? 二十年以后 Main works The?Green?Door?-- 绿色门 The?Handbook?of?Hymen --?婚姻手册 Hearts?and?Hands --?心与手 The?Hypotheses?of?Failure?-- 失算 Two?


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