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鞍山师范学院高等职业技术学院 2012届学生毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 基于51单片机的抢答 器的设计 系 别: 机械电子系 __ _ 专业班级:计算机控制技术12级班 摘要:随着科学技术的发展,人们对科学技术以及知识的学习手段多种多样,而抢答器作为一种工具,已广泛应用于知识竞赛场合。但抢答器的使用频率较低,且有的制作复杂,有的可靠性低。且抢答器往往因长期存放而损坏,再购置的及时性就会影响活动的开展,故利用所学设计了本抢答器。本设计是以六路抢答为基本理念。利用80C51单片机及外围接口实现的抢答系统,利用单片机的定时器/计数器定时和记数的原理,将软、硬件有机地结合起来,使得系统能够正确地进行计时。同时系统能够实现:在抢答中,只有开始后抢答才有效,如果在开始抢答前抢答为无效;抢答限定时间和回答问题的时间可在1-99s设定,正确按键后有音乐提示ABSTRACT: With the contious development of science and technology, promote learning science and technology, knowledge of the variety of means. With a tool for Qiangda which has been widely used in all kinds of knowledge contests occasions. But Qiangda is used for frequency, and some production complex or low reliability, and because of the long-term storage (electronic deevices) Qiangda for damage to the purchase of the timelines of activities, The development will be affected, so this Qiangda is designed. This design is six road Qiangda as the basic concept. Which uses 80C51 microcontroller and extreal interface of Qiangda system, and uses SCM time /countr timing and the number of mind Principe, the software and hardware organically combined, which could allow the right to conduct time. In Qiangda and which only begins after the Qinagda only effective, if at the beginning of Qiangda before Qiangda invalid; Qiangda limited time to answer questions and the time can be set in the 1-99 s; , right after the music keys tips; Qiangda time to time and answer questions Dao ji shi, over time, the system automatically reset control and mandatory reduction; keys locked in an active state, the key is invalid illegal. Key words: 80C51; alphanumeric display; Qiangda; time alarm 目 录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第一章 绪论 2 1.1?单片机抢答器的相关背景 2 1.2 单片机抢答器的意义 2 1.3 抢答器的应用 2 第二章 系统主要硬件及功能介绍 4 2.1 80C51特殊功能寄存器 4 2.2 80C51单片机的功能 5 2.3 80C51单片机 5 2.4 抢答器的优点和组成 6 2.5 系统的工作流程 7 第三章 硬件电路设计 8 3.1总体设计 8 3.1.1总体原理图 8 3.2按钮输入电路的设计 9 3.3显示电路的设计 10 3.4复位电路的设计 10 3.5 时钟频率的设计 11 3.6发声 11 第四章 软件电路设计 12


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