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;Unit Two Petroleum And Its Modern Uses; 8. equivalent [i‘kwiv?l?nt] adj.相等的, 相当的 9. herbicide [‘h?:bisaid?] n.灭草剂 10. insecticide [in‘sekti,said] n.杀虫剂 11. pesticide [‘pestisaid] n.杀虫剂,杀菌剂,农药 12. furnish [‘f?:ni?]供给, 提供,装设 13. seepage [ ‘si:pid? ] 漏出,渗出,渗流 14. bitumen [bitu:m?n] n.沥青,柏油;15. spectrum [‘spektr?m] n.光谱,范围,系列,频谱 16. prediction [pr?‘d?k??n] 预计,预报,预测 17. distillate [‘distileit] 精华,蒸馏物,馏分 18. buoyant [‘bu:j?nt] adj.有浮力的,有弹性的 19. polyester [p?li‘est?] n.聚酯纤维, 涤纶 20. synthetic [sinθetik] adj.合成的, 人造的;二、汉译英:p25 1:这些化石不是几千年以前而是几百万年以前或几千万年以前动物或植物的化石。These fossils are animals or plants fossils that aren’t formed thousands of years ago rather than several and thousands of millions of years ago . 2: 在几百年以前,人们只将石油用于照明和燃烧。Hundreds of years ago, petroleum was only used for heat and light by humankind.; 3: 这个产品不同于其他同类产品的特点之一是它具有良好的实用性。One of the characters that the production differs from the others is that it has a good usability. 4: 直到上个星期六他才知道这件事。He didn’t know this thing till last Saturday. 5. 一百多年来,石油工业得到了迅速发展。For over one hundred years, petroleum industry has been rapidly developed.;Unit Three: Petroleum Geology and Exploration;5. outcrop [‘autkr?p] 露头,露出,露头岩 6. granite [‘ɡr?nit] 花岗岩 7. igneous rock [ ‘iɡni?s r?k ]火成岩 8. slip [slip]n. 滑行,事故,滑程,泥釉,滑台;vi.滑动,滑倒,溜走,变坏,减退;vt.使滑动,闪开,塞入;a. 滑动的 9. dense [dens]a. 密集的,浓厚的,致密的 10. vibration [vaibrei??n]n. 振动,摇动,颤动;11. deformity [ di‘f?:miti: ]n. 畸形,缺陷,畸变 12. seismic crew [ ‘saizmik kru: ]地震工作队 二、汉译英:p54 1. 在砂岩和泥岩之下,这些有机物是海洋生物的残骸变成的石油。Under sandstone and mud rock, these organisms are petroleum that are created from the remains of the marine animals and plants. ;2. 有五种产品具有这种功能。There are Five products having this function. 3. 她的专业是石油地质学。Her major is petroleum geology. 4. 除了地质学家外,还有古生物学家和地球物理学家也研究石油。Besides geologists, fossilizes and geophysicists also research in petroleum. 5. 他们已经开发出了几种新产品。They have exploited several kinds of products. *;Unit Four Drilling And Completions Engineering;5. massive cla


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