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Globalizations Dual Power (para18-27); Why is it so risky? (L.1,para18); ;The answer is that two problems could neutralize its potential benefits.(L.1,Para.18);The global economy may be prone to harsher boom-bust cycles than national economies individually/??nd??v?d?u?li/.(L.1,Para.19); ? 恶劣的,艰苦的,严峻的; ?(声音)刺耳的,粗野的; His voice is harsh and menacing/?men?s??/令人恐惧的. ?(光线、颜色)刺眼的; She stood outside,blinking in the harsh sunlight. ?(线条、形状)难看的; The harsh outline of the factories aginst the sky. ?(清洁用品)刺激性强的 My skin is sensitive and I find some soaps too harsh. ;economy /?k?n?m?/ n.; The theory that international trade and investment raise living strandards works only if investment funds iare well used and if trade flows do not become too lopsided.(L.2,Para.19) ;raiserise;;lopsided /?l?p?sa?d?d/ adj. ?歪斜的 a lopsided grin撇着嘴笑 ?不平衡的;不公正的(unequal/uneven) A lopsided 8-0 victory 八比零一边倒的胜利; The Asian financial crisis raised questions on both counts.; ···most of Asia thrived because···(L.1,Par20); The ensuing spending boom in turn aided Europe···(L1.Para21);It became apparent that as a result of crony capitalism,inept government policies and excess optimism.(L2.Para21);㈠①excess/?ekses/ adj.超重的;过量的;额外的 Cut any excess fat from the meat.将肉中多余的肥肉切掉 ②excess/?k?ses/ n.过多,过量 in excess of sth.超过某事物 The car reached speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour. do sth. excess做某事过度/过分 Drinking is ok as long as you dont do it to excess. ㈡optimism/??pt?m?z?m/ n. 乐观;乐观主义 optimism about I dont share his optimism about our chances of success. optimist 乐观主义者 optimistic /??pt??m?st?k/ adj.乐观的;乐观主义的;What prevented the Asian crisis from becoming a full-scale global economic downturn has been the astonishing US economy. (Para.22);Its relentless growth helped the rest of the world by purchasing more and more of their exports.(L1.Para 23);Since 1996,the US current-account deficit in its balance of payments.(L2,Para 23);···on A


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