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口语词汇2 口语词汇2.txt逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。我不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。你发怒一分钟,便失去60分钟的幸福。忙碌是一种幸福,让我们没时间体会痛苦;奔波是一种快乐,让我们真实地感受生活;疲惫是一种享受,让我们无暇空虚。生活就像呼吸呼是为出一口气,吸是为争一口气。2、animal [?nim?l](B); [?n?m?l](A) Basic need 音形义 Everyday Expressions n. [C] 动物 (野兽 wild animal;家畜 Farm / domestic animal) We should protect animals. n. 兽性的人,衣冠禽兽 Drinking alcohol releases the animal in man. (喝酒使人兽行大发。) alcoholic 酗酒的人 workaholic 工作狂 release 释放;推出;release a new product 衍生词语 animalism (兽性; 活力充沛); -lism 抽象 animate (v. 赋予…以生命,使活泼); 常见搭配 Useful Phrase 兽性 --- animal instincts 动物界 --- the animal kingdom 畜牧---animal husbandry 诱捕动物 --- trap animals 《Entrapment》 偷天陷阱 习语与俗语 Idioms Slangs animal desire --- 肉欲 生活用语 Street Talks A: Rebecca, I got a D in maths this term. What do I do? B: Sorry about that, Freddie. Cheer up! You can make it next term. But frankly speaking, if you weren’t such a party animal, you’d have more time for studying. (喜欢参加聚会的人) She parties too much..I am not the party type. A: Joanna usually talks to animals and toys. B: Poor Jo. If only she had a healthy family! Youth is/are full of animal spirits. (精力十分旺盛) That fighter is really an animal when he steps in the (boxing) ring. (当这个拳击手开始比赛的时候,他立刻变成了一个真正的野兽。) 电影对白 Transcripts Newsman: Sir, why are you running? Newswoman: Are you doing this for world peace? Newsman: Are you doing this for the homeless? Newsman: Are you running for woman’s rights? Newsman: Or for the environment? Or for animals? Forrest: They just couldn’t believe that someone would do all that running for no particular reason. 名言 Quotations Be a good animal, true to your animal instincts. 做一个好的动物,真实的面对你的动物的本能。 3、Baby [beibi] Basic need 音形义 Everyday Expressions n. [C] 婴儿 She is expecting a baby. (她怀孕了。) expect 现在进行时用在女生怀孕 pregnant 怀孕的, having a baby, She is with a child, be in family way, she is expecting 她怀孕了 e.g.: Microsoft is expecting a kind of software. “孕育”而不是“期待” 注:baby 的性别不明时,通常用 it 来指代。 it’s so cute. n. 孩子气的人 Don’t be such a baby! (不要这样孩子气!) = act your age! n. 宝贝(亲爱的


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