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Lesson 18 A Brief Introduction;一、Oral translation;您好,杨先生 How do you do? Mr. Yang. 您好,格林先生,欢迎您到我们(船)厂来。 How do you do? Mr. Green. Welcome to our shipyard.;这是我的名片。 Here is my card. 请坐,请吸烟 Be seated, please. Have a cigarette.;我们很高兴带你参观这里(我们厂)。 We are very happy to have you visit here. 谢谢,我很高兴有机会参观你们厂。 Thank you, Im very happy to have this opportunity to visit your shipyard. ;参观之前,我可以先给你看一些我厂的图片(做个大概的描述)吗? Shall I give a general picture of our shipyard before we go and see it. 好的,请。 Yes, please. ;我厂成立于1940年。 Our shipyard was set up in 1940. 我厂有大约6500名职工和工人,包括500多个工程师和技术人员。 It has about 6500 staffs and workers, including over 500 engineers and technicians. ;我们厂占地面积为56万平方米,并且有两 个修船坞,较大的一个可以容纳载重量为35000吨的船,有两个造船台,较大的一个(造船能力)高达35000吨。 The yard occupies an area of 560,000 square meters and has two repair docks, the larger one can hold a ship of 35,000 dwt, two building berths, the larger one can top 35,000 dwt. ; 我厂有2400套设施,机械,装备用来造船和修船。 It has 2400 sets of facilities ,machines ,equipments for shipbuilding and shiprepairing.; 我厂有强大的科研和管理能力以及许多各 种技能的工人。 Our yard has a strong scientific research and engineering force and has many skilled workers of all kinds. ;我们正逐步实行现代化,并且不断改造我 厂的设施,从国外引进更先进的技术并提高 我们的生产能力。 We are now in the progress of modernizing and reforming our facilities introducing more advanced technology from abroad and raising our production capacity.; “良好的质量,合理的价格,及时的交货, 热情的服务”作为我厂的标准。 With “good quality, reasonable price, timely delivery, and attentive service” as our standard. ; 我们一定能够满足国内外顾客对于船舶制造和维修的需要 We can surely meet the requirements imposed on us by domestic and foreign customers for ship repairing and shipbuilding. ; 目前,我厂不但能够维修并建造商船,并且能够生产陆用的钢结构和机械设备。 At present, our shipyard is not only able to repair and build merchant ships but also produce steel structures and machine equipments on land. ; 我们的产品赢得了世界各地许多船东的赞誉和信任. Our products have earned praise and trust from many owners worldwide.; 好的,这能够帮助我更好的了解你们厂。 Good, it would help me t


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