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Implicational Meaning of The Scarlet A in The Scarlet Letter By name A Thesis Submitted to Foreign Languages Department In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A in English University May, 2011 Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Different meanings of the scarlet A to the community 1 3. Different meanings of the scarlet A to various characters. 1 3.1 Different meanings of the scarlet A to Hester Prynne. 2 3.1.1 A for “Agony” and “Anguish” 2 3.1.2 A for “Able”, “Admirable” and “Angel” 2 3.2 Different meaning of scarlet A to Dimmesdale 2 3.2.1 “A” for “Apostle” and “Adam” 2 3.2.2 “A” for “Arthur” 2 4. The influence of the scarlet letter “A” on various characters 2 4.1 Hester Prynne 3 4.2 Arthur Dimmesdale 3 5. Conclusion 3 References 4 目录页的要求 单独占一页,不加页码,目录用contents一词表示,目录中的字体用小四号times new roman字体,不加粗,1.5倍行距。 目录页从introduction开始(前面加阿拉伯数字形式的序号1),其次为各级标题,conclusion前面也要加序号,最后一项为Bibliography(前面不加序号)。 中英文摘要和关键词均不出现在目录中。 目录如有两页或更多,则双面打印,打印时加页码,页码形式为i, ii, iii…。 Implicational Meaning of the Scarlet A in The Scarlet Letter (论文题目:小二号,Times New Roman) Name:XXX: xxx (学生姓名与Student一词之间空五个空格。此行内容与摘要之间空一行。) Abstract The novel The Scarlet Letter is the masterpiece of Nathanial Hawthorne; the well-known romantic novelist of America in the 19th century, in this book, the author uses a scarlet A as the focus and center of the book. This thesis, focus on different meanings of the scarlet A, its influence on the four main characters and their results, reveals various implications of the scarlet letter A. Key words Hawthorne; scarlet A; implication (摘要部分字数要求在200-250字之间,摘要部分的行距为固定值20磅,内容全部用五号,Times New Roman字体。其中,Abstract一词加粗,其后空一格;Key words是两个单词,加粗,其后空一格,关键词中除专有名词外,其他关键词一律不大写,关键词之间用分号隔开,最后一格关键词后没有任何标点。关键词这一行之后,论文的introduction部分之间空一行,行距为固定值20磅。) Introduction (introduction 作为论文正文的第一部分,相当于一级标题,前面要加序号,序号样式为阿拉伯数字1,数字后面加句点,字体为小四号Times New Roman,加粗,标题1. introduction与后面的内容之间空一行,行距为固定值20磅。Introduction 部分中的内容用五号Times New Roman字体,此部分的应包括以下及方面: 选题的目的和意义; 国内外对该选题的研究状况综述,选择罗列主要研究者的主要


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