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Unit 9 Speaking Making Telephone Calls ;打电话用语 ;;;;;;; Making a telephone call ?; Making a telephone call ?; Making a telephone call ?; 1. You’re wanted on the telephone. 有你的电话。 What number should I to get the ?? ???? 我想接通接线员的电话,我应拨打什么号码? I want to make a . 我想打个长途。 ; 4. I tried to call Mr. Cooper,but the line was y 我想给Copper先生打电话,但是线路一直很忙。 5. You the wrong number 你一定打错电话了。 6. . I dialed the right number,but nobody answered. 我拨的号码正确,但是没有人接听。 7. The telephone is ringing,would you answer it,please?? ???? ; 8. Would you like to leave a message?? 你想留下什么口信儿吗? 9. Who is that?I don’t recognize your voice. ? 你是谁?我听不出你的声音。 10. Would you please tell Mr. Cooper I called?? 你能告诉Cooper先生我打过电话吗? 11. Is this Empire (帝国)5-4093?? ; 12. I have to hang up now 现在我不得不挂断电话。 13. Put the closer to your mouth. I can’t hear you. 将话筒靠近你的嘴,我听不见你的声音 14. Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow?? 你介意明天再打过来吗?;ⅡHow to make a telephone call ?; 1.打电话的人找的是你,而你正是接电话的人; 2. 打电话的人要找的人不在,而你是接电话的人   May I speak to Mr. Gates? (请问 Gates 先生在吗?)? ?? Hes not available right now. 他现在不在这里。 Hes out. 他出去了。 Hes in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。 Youve just missed him. 你刚好错过他了。 Hes just stepped out. 他刚好出去了。 ;3.打电话的人要找的人不在, 你问对方是否要留言


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