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1.(4分)如下图中,A~C花盆放在具有一定转速的匀速旋转的转盘上。...(国外英文资料) 1. (4 points) as shown in A ~ C pot in a certain speed uniform rotation of the turntable. A on the circular shaft of the rotary table; the black box on the open window of the B, the black box on the turntable was put on the turntable; C center, opened the window of the box cover. Please answer the questions: (1) A pot roots will grow to what direction? Right below _ and inclined vertical growth __________. (2) if B pots and the black box to rotate, the growth of B in the pot seedlings will be _ bent to the light source (window opening) growth _. (3) if the B pot does not turn the black box with rotary, the growth of B in the pot seedlings will be _ bend to the left _______ growth. (4) if C pot rotation, training box with rotary table, the growth of C in the pot seedlings will _ erect growth _______________. 2. (4) of an experimental group to verify the physiological role of ethylene, the following experiments were conducted: A B, two cases of immature tomato (green), A box with a certain amount of ethephon (ethylene release); B box without ethephon as control. When found two boxes of tomato with color difference, A box of tomato is red _ _____ color box, B tomato is ____ _____ green color. Take the same amount from the two boxes of tomato pulp were grinded into homogenate, remove the pigment in the homogenate, filtration. The colorless filtrate were added with A, B with two tubes, and the equal amount of Fehling reagent, strain observation after heating, A, found in the tube was brick red, B tube is the color, but the color of ___ than A in shallow ___ (deep or shallow), indicating that after ethephon treatment after reducing sugar content increased in tomato. According to the above results showed that ethylene has __ promoted fruit maturation __________ role. 3. (4) were determined for ecologists photosynthetic efficiency in a cornfield, a wasteland and a lake in unit time, the measured data are listed in the following


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