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2011年港口管理处工作总结和2012年工作思路(国外英文资料) The Department of port administration in 2011 and 2012 summary of the work of thinking a summary of work in 2011 2011, I was in the correct leadership of the Party committee office, according to early objectives, focus on the overall situation of port work, fully implement the Port Law and port management regulations and other laws and regulations, the implementation of port management norms activities, and constantly improve the level of supervision and management business market port, and urge enterprises to help state-owned port stability and development, actively respond to the Japanese imports of scrap metal by nuclear radiation pollution, and vigorously promote the water container transport abandon land ports, strengthen industry management and port safety management, earnestly carry out safety hazards investigation activities, positive and pragmatic work effectively. The main work is as follows: (a) report on the 2011 completion port production this year from 1 to September (to be changed to October data, the same below), XX port cargo throughput to achieve 37 million 882 thousand tons, an increase of 9.2%, foreign trade and container throughput of 7 million 465 thousand tons and 94533teu year-on-year growth of 4.7% and 10.9%, respectively. Overall, XX port industry index steady increase, the port production situation is stable, the index of port throughput to complete the annual plan number (49 million tons) is not a big problem, the container throughput to maintain high growth, the completion of the annual plan number (150 thousand TEU) pressure. According to the classification of goods, 2011 1 to September in Hong Kong to complete the coal mine construction throughput of 13 million 673 thousand tons, 7 million 888 thousand tons, 2 million 32 thousand tons of steel, cement, 177.3 (reprinted from the library network network, more than 1 million secretarial library templates for free download.) Million tons, 1 million 464 tho


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