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作文素材:应对灾难(国外英文资料) Nip in the bud, the sudden crisis is prepared in advance, to predict the future situation and corresponding measures. Less first flood embankment, the future first grinding. China idiom, a rainy day, say is the truth. No rain, to mend the roof, so that when the storm will be able to avoid the attack of wind and rain in the warm room. The impact of the Asian financial crisis in the world, in Japan, South Korea, Thailand and other neighboring countries have plunged into financial predators Soros quagmire, as Chinas leaders for the national economy look far ahead from a high plane, prepared under the strong foreign exchange reserves to deal with unexpected financial crisis, things and take various effective preventive measures, only the Chinese economy has maintained steady development in the Asian financial crisis, becoming Asias mainstay, has been unanimously respected all over the world. Thus, nip in the bud, to avoid the sudden disaster, the future can reduce losses to the minimum. Sheep and fill the nip in the bud, as. After the accident and take measures to make up, as before for possible crisis prevention. Just imagine, if the sheep in wolf before, put the pen holes to fill, it will give an opportunity to put away the wolf sheep? Repair the roof before the storm, built before the flood dam, in the years before the grain reserves, to blow down the houses in the reconstruction after the storm, after the flood, flood relief, in the years after food relief, nip in the bud is not a better choice? The danger, nip in the bud, is wise to avoid the scourge of the recipe, is to reduce the loss of the best measures. In the society it is threatened by growing crises, countries or individuals, should firmly hold the nip in the bud of the key to open the safe and smooth future doors, and the disaster and misfortune in the door. Ye Zhiping is Sichuan county junior high school principal because he sang Zao, a school in the earthquake seismic performance anomal


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