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动物(国外英文资料) Review of Animal Biology 1) the primary animal forms the mesoderm with the split chamber method, and the posterior animal forms the mesoderm with the body cavity sac method. 2.1. Review of protozoa (Protozoa): (1) Plasmodium parasites are parasitic in humans, primates, birds, and reptiles (red blood cells) and (liver). 2) the movements of protozoa include swimming, slow gliding and so on. There are three main types of motor apparatus, namely, flagella, cilia and (flagella). 3) the nutrition of protozoa is as follows: (plant nutrition), (Animal Nutrition) and (metabolic nutrition). 4) the reproduction of protozoa is divided into asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is divided into: (two cleavage propagation), (somatic division, spore reproduction) and budding reproduction; sexual reproduction is divided into: (gamete reproduction); (sexual reproduction). (6) Leishmania parasitic on humans, dogs, various rodents and lizards (liver, spleen and other internal organs) or skin macrophages. The insect is injected into the human body and the host body by the bite of (Bai Lingzi). 7) when a person is infected with the female Anopheles mosquito, the saliva (B) enters the body with saliva. A. B. sporozoites; Merozoite; C. annuli; D D. ookinete 2.2 A review of the questions about the doors of animals (sponges): 1) the drainage system is one of the main characteristics of sponges. It has a great adaptation to the life of sponges. The ditch system can be divided into (ASCON), (Sycon) and rhagon 2) the body wall of a sponge consists of two layers of cells called the outer cortex and the inner ones called the stomach layer. Between the two layers is the (middle glue layer). (3) the animal with the reverse of germinal layer during embryonic development is (A). A B C porous Animal Animal Animal nematode D rotifer coelenterate animal 2.4 qiangchang animal door (Coelenterata) review questions: 1) the life history of a coelenterate animal, indivi



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