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宪法习题(国外英文资料) First, individual choice questions 1., the current constitution was adopted in December by the five session of the five National Peoples Congress (A). A.1982 B.1988, C.1993, D.1999 years 2. (D) according to the new experiences and new situation, put forward the proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the revision of the constitution part, claim made in the practice, it was proved that it was important to understand the basic experience and mature in the constitution. A. the partys sixteen largest B. party in the first Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee C. party the second Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee D. party the third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee The amendment to the 3.2004 year constitution was added to the Constitutions statement on the United Front (B). A. all socialist laborers, builders of B. socialist cause C. patriots who support socialism, D., patriots who support the reunification of the motherland 4. which of the following is not a constitutional right (A)?. A., environmental rights, B., equal rights C. publishing, free, D., right to education 5., according to the provisions of our constitution, the following statements concerning the constitutional protection of the basic rights of citizens are correct (D). A. all citizens have the right to vote and stand for election B. the constitution protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese, but there are no provisions to protect their rights and interests. The constitution of the C. does not provide for the establishment of facilities for workers rest and recuperation The D. property and the legitimate property of citizens to inherit private property rights stipulated in the constitution of master 6. in accordance with the constitution of our country, the term of office of the peoples congresses of townships, townships, townships and towns is (C). A.3 B.4, C.5, D.6 years 7., in the period of the NP



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