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英语评语集锦 单词:Good! Nice! Great! Okay! Lovely! Perfect! Marvelous! Pleasant! Wonderful! Correct! Incorrect! Careless! Unclear! Untidy!
Very nice! Quite correct! Quite OK (Okay)! Neat and tidy! Well -done ! Well-written! Just so- so. Far from correct. So careless!
A. That#39;s all right! /That#39;s OK. /That#39;s wrong. /That#39;s incorrect!
B. It is clever of you to do so. /It#39;s nice of you to say so. /It#39;s careless of you to write this way.
C. You#39;ve done so nicely. /You#39;ve made such a careless mistake!
D. What good work you#39;ve done! /What a good boy you are! How carefully you#39;ve worked! /How nice your work is!
E. Try to do better next time! /See what you#39;ve done!/Correct your mistakes., /Don#39;t do that again! /Don#39;t be so silly, John!
F. I find you#39;ve made a lot of progress! /I think you can work more carefully next time. /I#39; m sorry you#39;ve made so many mistakes in your work.
G. Your handwriting is not so nice as Maggie#39;s. /You#39;ve done better than last time. /You c an do best of all if you try harder.
H. What do you think of your work? /How did you like your handwriting? /Isn#39;t your work lovely? Don#39;t make such a careless mistake again, will you? /Let#39;s try to say correct English, shall we?
A. John, you#39;ve done best of all in your class! /You#39;ve made so much progress!
B. You#39;re doing nicely!
C. Your English will become better if you work harder.
D. Now you can do better than you did before.
E. You used to make a lot of mistakes in grammar, but now you do more correctly.
5.语态: A. You do your work well. /Your work is well done.
B. You have made great progress in English this term./Your English has been greatly improved this term.
A. Your English is excellent.
B. I wish you would work harder. /How I wish you would be more careful.
C. Pay attention to your spelling. /Keep on and on.
Diana, you always do well in English. But sometimes y
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