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youcouldoffer在商务信函翻译 篇一:商务信函翻译练习 询价报价 发盘还盘 支付方式 主营业地 履行合同 Translating business letters: 敬启者: 贵方2016年5月8日关于羊毛衫的报盘已收悉,非常感谢。此复,我们非常抱歉地奉告,贵方报价偏高,与现行的市场价格不符。由于类似质量的货品在此处可以较低价格购到,故请贵方降低所报价格,建议降低5%。这样我们或许能够达成交易。 鉴于我们之间长期的贸易关系,我方作出如此还盘。由于市场日 渐萎缩,我们极其真诚地希望贵方能考虑我方还盘,并尽早赐复。 谨此杰森 (签名) 询价报价 enquiryquotation 发盘还盘 offercounter-offer 支付方式 payment terms 主营业地principal place of business 履行合同to execute/fulfill a contract Translating business letter: Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of May 8, 2016 regarding/concerning the offer for woolen sweaters. In reply, we very much regret to inform you that we find your price rather higher and out of line with prevailing market level. As the goods of similar quality are easily obtainable at a lower price here/at our end, should you be prepared to reduce your limit by 5%, we might conclude the business. It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer. As the market is declining/shrinking, we sincerely hope you will consider our counter-offer and reply to us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, Jason (signature) Dear Sir/Madam, We are appreciatedfor the receipt of your letter of May 8, 2016, from which we understand that the the sweaters. (We appreciate your offer letter of May 8, 2016for woolen sweaters. ) In reply, we are regretful (regret v.) to inform you that your quotation is is higher than others?. We expect you could reduce the quotation for/because/since we could thecommodities of reduce 5% of the quotation, so that we could make a deal smoothly. (Because/Since we could find/purchase the commodities of you could reduce the quotation by 5%, so that we could make a deal smoothly.) We made this counter-offer on the of our long-term business relationship. Because the market is/becomes shrinking, we Yours sincerely, (signature) Jason 篇二:商务信函的翻译 商务信函的翻译 Part 1: 商务信函的基础 1. 商务信函分类:便函,正式商务信函 2. 涉外商务信函语篇风格的特点,也称7C原则 符合7C原则的信函实例 Dear Sirs, Our clien


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