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7-1 大学介绍 University Information Many cultures blended and created new knowledge and built innovative ways to live. 多种文化在此交织融合,创造了新的知识,也构建了前所未有的生活方式。 7-1 大学介绍 University Information This university blends amazing cultural diversity, unexcelled natural beauty, big life, and cutting-edge education and discovery. 这所大学融合了精彩纷呈的文化多样性、无与伦比的自然景观、包容大气的生活方式、先进的教育和前沿的研究。 7-1 大学介绍 University Information No matter where you want to go in life, you can get there from here. We provide promising students with an ideal space to realize their dreams. 无论你志在何方,这里就是你的起航之地,是志向远大的青年才俊实现梦想的理想之地。 7-1 大学介绍 University Information This university is so distinctive, so charged with the energy of people and space, so strong in academic power and research capacities, so flexible,so supportive in helping you arrive at your future. 这所大学特色鲜明,这里人杰地灵、充满活力,这里学风浓郁、科研强大,这里体制灵活、服务真诚,可助莘莘学子早日成才、施展宏图。 7-1 大学介绍 University Information You will broaden your horizons and explore your passions. If you are willing to work hard and think big, any career is possible. 你要拓宽视野、陶冶情操,只要志向远大、勤奋进取,你就能梦想成真、事业有成。 7-1 大学介绍 University Information Wherever you come from,you’ll discover endless surprises and limitless possibilities on your academic journey,led by talented faculty. 无论你来自何方,你将在才华横溢的导师的率领下,踏上学术的发现之旅,历经无尽的惊喜和无限的奇遇。 7-1 大学介绍 University Information Energized by both the national and local spirit, you can focus more clearly,feel more deeply,and accomplish more. 你同时从国家精神和地域精神中获取养料,目标会更明确,感受会更深切,成就会更突出。 7-1 大学介绍 University Information The legendary Route 66 is America’s renowned country road imbued with a rich history of local cultures. 传奇的66号公路是美国的一条闻名遐迩、充满风土人情地方色彩的乡间公路。 7-1 大学介绍 University Information There is indeed something special about learning in a place where centuries of culture enlighten forward-looking research and innovation. 人文教育开启了面向未来的研究者和创新者的心智,这样的教育确实意义非凡。 7-2 饮食艺术 The Art of Eating Well The Chinese really understand food and eating well. We Westerners sometimes forget the medicinal


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