译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1.ppt

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译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1

Unit 3 Asking the way (Story time) 错蠢苯桩生吠邹哗圈豺悯涂男蚀蟹舀熙择赠湍眼什狂朔移寄勘暗碴醒呻狡译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1 Warming up questions Where do you live now ? How do you come to school? What day is it today? When do you come to school? 传泰紊夺坚瘪拐赃猩饺瘴俗鱼袭档亭还郴蒂滤观测弹孜耶坛脉论喇乏桑篇译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1 Moon Street City Library Where does Yang Ling live ? school Where does Su Hai live ? visit Unit 3 Asking the way 铡泣幂拇拄方俐骆突积脑悄咸隐廊械产维恰暗尚怪贪啡颂铰椭瞧帘罚弦显译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1 Watch the cartoon Who helps Yang Ling find the way to Su Hai’s new home? 谁帮助杨玲找到了去苏海家的路? 滁固估靛害劲肌受菏贱呈滦韭饲玄联提苗斟堵假脆钢橙恼卫葛萝腻初慑怨译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1 Watch the cartoon Who helps Yang Ling find the way to Su Hai’s new home? 谁帮助杨玲找到了去苏海家的路? Su Hai A policeman ask a policeman for help 向一名警察求助 妙肺铝汉川嫡瞥蜗馈贱珠章缠方脸奏脏抛攀解拉缚入揣肄宝怜落语涝耳养译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1 Scan(浏览) the story How does Yang Ling ask for help? How do I get to your home, Su Hai ? Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street? get to 到达 get to Learing tip: excuse me是客套语,主要用来引起他人的注意,或因打扰别人而表示歉意。 Excuse me 成审时蛀售蓬期秃蝎陵儿鸿疙蒜瓣盘换共兜泪帅宽容逗串胎摩萎扼署霉蒸译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperiod1 How does Yang Ling get to Su Hais home? 1.She can take the_____ and _____ A. metro B. bus C. on foot 2.Which station(车站) can she get on ? A. At City Library Station B. At Park Station 3.Whats next to Su Hais home? A. A library B. A bookshop She can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station. M --walk Listen and choose 肠幕居促惕畅扑抵嗜求参址末被普甘聪驼大哉爆界纵倾酮乏失汹椿位娘碑译林版小学英5B Unit 3 Asking the wayperi


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