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G20领导人公报(双语) G20 Leaders’ Communiqué 二十国集团领导人公报 Brisbane Summit, 15-16 November 2014 布里斯班峰会,2014年11月15日-16日 1. Raising global growth to deliver better living standards and quality jobs for people across the world is our highest priority. We welcome stronger growth in some key economies. But the global recovery is slow, uneven and not delivering the jobs needed. The global economy is being held back by a shortfall in demand, while addressing supply constraints is key to lifting potential growth. Risks persist, including in financial markets and from geopolitical tensions. We commit to work in partnership to lift growth, boost economic resilience and strengthen global institutions. 1、促进全球增长以提高各国人民生活水平、创造高质量就业,是我们最重要的任务。我们对一些主要经济体的更强劲增长势头表示欢迎。但全球经济复苏依然缓慢和不均衡,未能带来我们需要的就业。解决供给限制是释放经济增长潜力的关键,但世界经济也面临需求不足的制约。包括金融市场和地缘政治紧张等风险依然存在。因此,我们承诺本着伙伴关系开展工作,以促进增长、提高经济抗风险能力、加强全球机构。 2. We are determined to overcome these challenges and step up our efforts to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth, and to create jobs. We are implementing structural reforms to lift growth and private sector activity, recognising that well-functioning markets underpin prosperity. We will ensure our macroeconomic policies are appropriate to support growth, strengthen demand and promote global rebalancing. We will continue to implement fiscal strategies flexibly, taking into account near-term economic conditions, while putting debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path. Our monetary authorities have committed to support the recovery and address deflationary pressures when needed, consistent with their mandates. We will be mindful of the global impacts of our policies and cooperate to manage spillovers. We stand ready to use all policy levers to underpin confidence and the recovery. 2、我们决心应对这些挑战,加快努力实现强劲、可持续、平衡增长并创造就业。我们认识到良好运行的市场是繁荣的基础,正在实施结构改革,以促进增长并激发私营部门活力。我们将保证宏观经济政策有利于支持增长、增加需求、促进全球再平衡。我们将在考虑近期经济状况的前提下,继续灵活落实财政战略,同时将债务占国内生产总值比例维持在可持续的水平。我们的货币政策当局已承诺在自身职责范围内,支持经济复苏,并在有需要的地区抗击通缩压力。我们


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