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学年论文 题 目 加缪的存在主义思想对伯格曼电影艺术的影响 ——以《鼠疫》为例 学生姓名 张腾 学 号 20121364017 学 院 语言文化学院 专 业 对外汉语(汉日方向) 指导教师 李颖 二O一五年六月三十日 加缪的存在主义思想对伯格曼电影艺术的影响 ——以《鼠疫》为例 张腾 南京信息工程大学语言文化学院,江苏 南京 210044 摘要:对于享誉世界的电影大师伯格曼而言,研究他作品的人有很多。不光是研究他的剧本创作和镜头语言,自他转型之作《小丑之夜》以来,诸多的心理电影不仅讲述着导演内心的欲望与真诚,也暗含着丰富的哲思等待我们去挖掘。而那个年代,正是二战之后存在主义盛行的时期。如果说他一点也不沾染时代的影响那是不可能的。而伯格曼自己也曾说过,“当我的想象力或者创作力完全没有时,这意味着世界的一切将完全静止,完全不存在。”这是伯格曼在定义虚无的恶魔时所作出的阐述。本文拟从作为存在主义者的加缪入手,通过加缪的存在主义哲思,人道主义情怀和反抗精神,深入分析伯格曼的存在主义哲思,并针对加缪的代表作品《鼠疫》来试图阐述电影大师伯格曼与作家加缪哲学思想的交融,以达到对伯格曼艺术哲思的更深层次的理解。 关键字:伯格曼;电影;存在主义者;加缪 The effect of Camuss existential ideas on the bergman’s film art Zhang Teng School of Languages and Cultures,NUIST,Nanjing 210044,China Abstract:For movie master bergman, there are many study his works.Not only is the study of his drama creation and lens language, since his transformation work clown nights, many psychological film not only tell us about the director of inner desire and sincerity, also implies a rich philosophical waiting for us to dig.And that s existentialism popular after world war ii period. It is impossible that he is not infected with the influence of the era.And bergman himself once said, when my imagination or creativity used up, this means that all of the world will be perfectly still, simply does not exist, this is bergman on the define nothing made in this paper, the demons. This article, from the as existentialist camus, through camus philosophical existentialism, humanitarian feelings and rebel spirit, in-depth analysis of bergmans philosophizing, existentialism and camuss representative works the plague trying to expound the movie master bergmann writers with a blend of camuss philosophy thought, in order to achieve a deeper understanding of bergman art philosophizing. Key words:Bergmanexistence of the elegant;film;camus 引言 “世界上有多少个存在主义哲学家,就有多少种存在


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