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摘 要 近年来,在工业控制中,随着工业技术的不断改进和发展,锅炉液位的过程控制系统得到了广泛的应用,为了确保锅炉的控制系统的正常运行,控制系统中要求锅炉的液位往往需要维持在某一个设定值上或者只允许在某一个小范围内进行变化。 在工业生产中,为保证工业生产的安全进行,控制过程中需要确保锅炉中的液体不会产生溢出,人们对锅炉的控制系统的各项参数的要求愈来愈高。而在实际的工业生产中,被控对象常常具有时延、非 线性等特点,采用一般的控制方法将很难得到很好的控制效果。所以,对时延、非线性对象的先进控制方法进行研究,优化工业生产系统的控制水平,具有很重要的意义。 锅炉液位的控制大多应用PID控制方法。PID参数整定通常是在得到控制对象的数学模型后,根据相关的整定规则,进行在线调节。 本毕业设计中??提到的双容水箱液位控制系统是在国内外相关实验装置的基础上,通过考虑其性能指标,自行设计的模拟多种对象特性的实验设备。双容水箱的结构虽然简单但在高水平、复杂的控制系统中,此类系统仍是大多数,是最基本的过程空竹系统。复杂过程控制系统往往是建立在简单控制系统的基础上。本设计应用所学的过程控制知识,采用MATLAB对锅炉水位控制系统进行仿真。 关键词:锅炉液位,MATLAB,PID控制,双容水箱 Abstract In recent years, in industrial control, with the constant improvement and development of industrial technology, the process of the boiler liquid level control system has been widely used, in order to ensure the normal running of the boiler control system, control system of boiler liquid level, often need to maintain on a certain value or is only allowed to change in a small scope. In industrial production, to ensure the safety of industrial production, the need to ensure that the boiler in the process of control the liquid does not produce overflow, the various parameters of the control system of boiler is higher and higher requirements.In the actual industrial production, the controlled often has the characteristics of time delay, nonlinear, using the general control method will be difficult to get good control effect.So for advanced control methods of time delay, nonlinear object for research, optimizing the control level of industrial production system, has the very vital significance. Most of the boiler liquid level control using PID control method.PID parameters setting is usually after the mathematical model of controlled object, according to the related setting rules, which can adjust the online. As referred to in this graduation design is double let water tank liquid level control system at home and abroad, on the basis of related experimental apparat


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