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无机化学专业英语词汇 化学原理·chemical principles 气体,液体和溶液的性质·the behaviors of gas ,liquid and solution 理想气体定律·ideal gas law 道尔顿分压定律·Dalton’s Law of Partial pressures 液体的蒸汽压·vapor pressure of liquid 液体的凝固点·freezing point of liquid 体系和环境·system and surrounding 状态和状态函数·states and state functions 化学热力学基础·the basis of chemical thermodynamics 化学平衡·chemical equilibrium 体系与状态·system and state 热力学定理·law of thermodynamics 热化学·thermochemistry 焓·enthalpy 混乱度·disorder 熵·entropy 吉布斯自由能·Gibbs free energy 化学平衡·chemical equilibrium 标准平衡常数·standard equilibrium constant 同离子效应·the common ion effect 缓冲溶液·buffered solution 酸碱理论与电离平衡·the theories of acids bases and ionization equilibrium 盐的水解·the hydrolysis of salts 沉淀反应·the precipitation reactions 溶度积·solubility product 沉淀溶解平衡的移动·equilibrium shift between precipitation and dissolution 分步沉淀·stepwise precipitation 盐效应·salt effect 氧化还原反应·oxidation and reduction reactions 还原剂·reducing agent or reducer or reductant 氧化剂·oxidazing agent or oxidizer or oxidant 原电池·galvanic cell 负极,正极·negative pole, positive pole 阳极,阴极·anode ,cathode 燃料电池·fuel cell 电化学·electrochemistry 电极电势·electrode potential 歧化反应·disproportionation reaction 化学动力学基础·the basis of chemical dynamics 化学反应速率·the rate of chemical reaction 化学反应机理·reaction mechanism 化学反应活化能·activation energy of chemical reaction 动能·kinetic energy 基元反应·elementary reaction 一级反应·first-order reaction 零级反应·zero-order reaction 化学理论·chemical theories 原子结构·the atomics structure 元素周期律·periodic system of elements 原子内部·structure in atom 氢原子光谱·the spectrum of atomic hydrogen 等电子原理·isoelectronic principle 电子构型·electronic structure of atom 价电子构型·valance electronic configuration 主量子数··principal quantum number 角量子数·angular quantum number 磁量子数·magnetic quantum number 能级·energy levels 原子核外电子的运动状态·moving stations of electrons outer the atomic nucleus 多电子原子结构·structure in many-electron atoms 周期系·periodic system 元素基本性质的周期性·periodic properties of the elements 化学键和分子,晶体结构·chemical bonds and struct


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