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Yellowstone National Park 黄石公园是美国也是全世界第一个国家公园,它是世界上最壮观的国家公园之一,园内高度从北方入口(蒙大拿州的 Gardiner)的 5,314尺上升到公园东南方最高点的鹰峰〈Eagle Peak〉的11,358尺。 The Golden Gate Bridge Roosevelt pressed a telegraph key in the White House announcing the event. Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River. Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue, which was two-way over most of its course until the early 1960s, now allows two-way traffic north of 135th Street only. South of 135th Street, Fifth Avenue allows one-way southbound traffic only while northbound traffic may take Madison Avenue. The Empire State Building is a 102-story contemporary Art Deco style building in New York City, declared by the American Society of Civil Engineers to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World Designed by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, it was finished in 1931. The tower takes its name from the nickname of New York State. Since the September 11th attacks, it is again the tallest building in New York City. * ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Washington D.C. ??? 美国首都华盛顿,全称为“华盛顿哥伦比亚特区” (Washington D.C.) ,是为纪念美国开国元勋乔治·华盛顿和发现美洲新大陆的哥伦布而命名的。华盛顿在行政上由联邦政府直辖,不属于任何一个州。 Niagara Falls 举世闻名的尼亚加拉瀑布位于加拿大和美国交界的尼亚加拉河上,它以其宏伟磅礴的气势、丰沛浩瀚的水量而著称,是世界上七大奇景之一,更是北美最壮丽的自然景观。 the Statue of Liberty The White House 白宫是美国总统府所在地,坐落在 首都华盛顿市中心区的宾夕法尼亚 大街1600号。北接拉斐特广场,南 邻爱丽普斯公园,与高耸的华盛顿 纪念碑相望。 The United Nations 纽约自第42街起直到第48街上,在广达18英亩的地基上,兴建着著名的联合国大厦。联合国容许观光客依到达先后次序入内参观会议情形。 The pantagon: 五角大楼坐落在美国华盛顿附近波托马克河畔的阿灵顿镇,是美国国防部所在地。从空中俯瞰,这座建筑成正五边形,故名“五角大楼”。 1947年9月,美国第33任总统杜鲁门建立的国防部开始在此办公。从此,五角大楼便成了美国国防部的代称。 The Golden Gate Bridge, completed after more than four years of construction at a cost of $35 million. The GGB opened to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937 at twelve o‘clock noon, ahead of schedule and under budget. Wall Street It’s Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the


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