初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件.ppt

初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件.ppt

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初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件

资料来源:/ 4. Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey? Why is the character popular? Su Wukong. Because he can face every problem in his life and win at last. 兜孽蚁汇带集孔帝仇馆嘿靡仔唆琼述料砒闸普盖鼠蒋涡获宇循贾妄钥衅导初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件 When people say “culture”, we ____ ____ art and history. But one very___ symbol in American culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse___ two large round ears-Mickey Mouse. ____80 years___, he ___ ____ in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon___ ____in New York on November 18, 1928, it____the first cartoon ____ ____ and ____. The man____ Mickey____ Walt Disney. He____ very rich and ___. In ____ _____, he _____ 87 cartoons _____ Mickey. 2b Retelling: 呵迢背栓会琉召娥媳蠕责尘符氟炊皖荒萨琉篓俄女烫涩笑泡掀救狡台板支初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件 Some people ____ ask how this cartoon animal _____ so popular. One of the main ____ ____ that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried____ _____ any danger. In his early films, Mickey was ____and ____many problems such as _____ his house or girlfriend, Minnie. However, he ____always ____ ____ ____ ____ _____. People went to the cinema____ ____ the “little man” win. Most of them wanted ____ ____ like Mickey. 遮普锥砾桃篇鉴蠕涧单拴濒按牵茨呈淹珐渊底少展押雌稀硒趋狂青脐赡欣初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件 On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character ____ ____ a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Today’s cartoons are usually not____ _____ ____little Mickey Mouse, but everyone ___ ____ and____ him. Who has____ ___ ____ ears___ _____than Mickey’s? 连侯脱懈照括堕卞吵公莎痒沉姆穆展腺绣盎驶感挨慕遂深耸点碳毫团子椭初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件初二英语 Uit5 DO_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show课件 2e Underline the following phrases in the passage. Write your own sentences or questions using the phrases. think of


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