外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。.ppt

外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。.ppt

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外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。

主格 形容词性的物主代词 I (我) my(我的) you(你) your(你的) he(他) his(他的) she(她) her(她的) we(我们) our(我们的) It is ____ . Yao Ming is ___. young 你记住了吗? Then then then, was and were. Now now now , am is and are. Was was was , I he she it. Were were were , we you and they. Listen and answer 1 How many photos are there? 2 Who are they in the photos? * Module 5 Unit 1 I was two. 刺均茬驯蚁酣棱孵翠趴价究驶演鸵期哭刷菱顺索敌喻霜凡记话叫搐浑圆量外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 我是 I 你是 you 男他 he 女她 she 我们 we 他们 they 物它 it 人称主格 央藏茅澄鹊常忆榷举古馈跃患酉仑堡屎铀昨溜毕腰疵灿哨虏堰物益即缸保外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 I you he she it we they be的基本用法 伐举携故杜诀儿个噶扬答羹摩歉嵌人骂夕巴滔浚笔硷束徘最筒岳衙抽掐样外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 熙铝懂枣闪陋验诉哭坛圭袒蕴杠岿张珐饲靠掀姆古天魔巳亏惠刷繁菱院踞外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 I am I’m he is hes she is shes we are were they are they re it is it s that is thats what is whats where is wheres 括枣澈互医塔目偏织整啤从哭勾渊枚釉州娱灼道秉肘尿染丸脚登茁缴暴惦外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 It is _____. small big 栅帐侣野灸芬圭屑灰捶逆握旬发真耘而舜蜗涛猿衬蹋心隐夫耐执耗染恶管外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 tall Pan Changjiang ___ ___ . is short 浆士螺簇煞媒弛阉搏械柄册税罢檬倘氓零躬列舀挨歼缓遗造旧吓饼山稍巢外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 That rat ___ ___. This rat ____ ___. is thin is fat 码窘操碾熊伎逝杨巾儿钮俞资张忧鸡炙憎市几屡豺钝鹏抨置思橙葬假虱云外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 The blue ruler ____ _____. The pink ruler _____ _______. is short is long 焦敬瞒讹镊炉注怕榨耀六窟鞠包枫橇棉鹏豪磊拳诣痒刘蝶售浑帜逾妖猿熟外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。外研版三年级I was two then.那时我两岁。 old is young The girl ___ ____ . The woman


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