大学基础英语3册unit_7 Addiction.ppt

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大学基础英语3册unit_7 Addiction

;Unit7 Addiction ;Addition n.沉溺,上瘾;Confessions of Online Dating Addict; How to live to be a hundred ; Pre-reading Activities; Pre-reading Activities; Pre-reading Activities;;The Location of State of Washington ;The Location of Washington DC ; ;; Key words of unit6;Addict n.有瘾的人;入迷的人 ;;; Para 1  1)定语从句 ---that 引导词 that 在从句中充当一定的成分,可作主语、宾语、状语等;;3)现在分词短语作原因状语 ;;start up 发起,创办;开始从事 ;Phrases :;Intrigue vt.激起兴趣,迷住 ;;;Para 2   little did sb know…;Para 3;Para 4;Initial a.开始的; 最初的; 第一个的;Subtle a.微妙的;细微的;狡诈的;敏锐的; ;Para 5;;branch n;Para 6 more …than…;Para 6   Give me knowing looks         投去会意的眼神 ;Para 7 between …and… 由于…的共同影响;Para 7 be supposed to 应该,理应;Para 8 not (neither)…nor;;make up ;relevant a.有关的,相应的,切题的;keep track of ;denial n.否认;拒绝 ;Para 10 all but 几乎,差不多;除了…都;Para 11 keep…from 阻止......做.....;Para 11 take…down 拿下,拆除....; absence n.缺席,不在;缺乏 ;Cannot help oneself;Para 12;Para 12;Para 12; then and there 当场,立即;commitment n承诺,承担的义务;;;;;Text A: Comprehension ;; commitments flooded absence shooting up scheduled; ;Ⅱ. The listening class is now conducted on a once-a-week basis in our school. The problems are going to be settled on a realistic basis. On what basis do you propose to pay me?. The cold weather may keep the plants from budding. A lot of homework kept me from going to the concert;Ⅱ. 6. What kept you from joining us for dinner last night?;Ⅲ. contribution; inspection; amusement excitement; realization; judgment reflection; attraction; enjoyment appearance; refusal; avoidance approval; performance; arrival dependence; survival; proposal ;Keys to the Exercises of;;Ⅳ. / B. The old lady was greatly hit by her son’s addiction to online dating. As a result, her health began to suffer. Between taking care of his sick mother and coping with his heavy courses, he had all but no time to re



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