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英文版 投资需谨慎

投资需谨慎: 五种最愚蠢的投资理财方式 You know the smartest things to do with your money. But what are the worst moves? What should you avoid?自己的钱该怎么打理才最明智,对此你一定心知肚明。但是你知道最糟糕的做法是什么吗?哪些是你应该避免的呢?Weirdly enough, they are things that a surprising number of people are still doing─even though they probably know, in their heart of hearts, how foolish they really are.奇怪的是,那些应该避免的事情却有很多人仍然在做,而且人数之多让人瞠目──尽管这些人在内心深处可能很清楚自己的做法实际上有多愚蠢。Any list is going to be incomplete. But here are five to avoid.想把这些蠢事一个不落地全列出来恐怕不可能。不过我们可以试着列出其中的五件。1. Reaching for yield1. 追求高收益率What this country needs is a good 5% certificate of deposit. Instead the collapse in interest rates, and the Federal Reserves policy of keeping them down for as long as possible, is driving people crazy─especially people who need to generate income from their investments.美国这个国家需要的是收益率能够达到5%的定期存单。然而,这里有的只是利率的一降再降,以及联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)尽量将利率维持在低位的政策,这样的现状逼得人们愈加疯狂──对于那些需要从投资中获取收益的人而言尤其如此。In these circumstances, people start to do really foolish things in the desperate hunt for higher interest rates. That includes taking on crazy amounts of risk, or investing in complex products they dont understand, in the hope of higher yields. The Fed is producing a bull market in scams, Ponzi schemes and associated rackets.在此环境下,人们在绝望地寻找着更高的收益率,并为此开始犯下着实愚蠢的错误。这其中包括为争取获得更高的收益率而不惜承担极高的风险、或是投资那些他们毫不了解的复杂产品。美联储正在打造着一个各类阴谋、旁氏骗局和欺诈手段层出不穷的牛市。The Securities and Exchange Commission recently warned about an epidemic of bogus high-yield corporate promissory notes being marketed to investors by scam artists.美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)最近提醒投资者小心,目前市场中有一种由骗子发行的虚假高收益“企业本票”在大量传播。The Wall Street Journals Jason Zweig highlighted the woes of those sold complex reverse convertibles, a legal but complicated product with embedded risks. Eric Lewis, chief investment officer of Bedrock Capital Management in Los Altos, Calif., suggests that if you cant explain an investment to a friend, including what might go wrong, you should think twice.《华尔街日报》(The Wall S


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