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第43 卷 第5 期 煤田地质与勘探 Vol. 43 No.5 2015 年 10 月 COAL GEOLOGY EXPLORATION Oct. 2015 文章编号: 1001-1986(2015)05-0053-04 “大井法” 中渗透系数及含水层厚度的优化 尹尚先,张祥维,徐 慧,刘 明,徐 斌 (华北科技学院安全工程学院,河北省矿井灾害防治重点实验室,北京 101601) : “ 大井法”是矿井涌水量预测的常用方法之一,但预测误差较大,分析误差原因,主要是含水 层厚度与渗透系数不能完全反映实际情况,且取值人为影响较大。通过区域构造复杂程度与抽水 试验所得渗透系数的统计分析,发现构造复杂程度与渗透系数呈正相关关系,运用分形理论,对“大 井法”的渗透系数取值进行了优化,使其更贴近实际;针对采动破坏沟通顶底板不同含水层导致涌 水量变化,提出含水层厚度采用累计加权厚度以及分层涌水量叠加。经过参数优化,避免了其取 值时的随意性,范各庄2190 工作面涌水量预测结果表明,改进的“ 大井法”精度大幅提高。 :“ 大井法”;渗透系数;含水层厚度;分形理论;导水裂缝带 :TD741 P641.4 :A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-1986.2015.05.013 Optimization of permeability coefficient and aquifer thickness in large-well-method YIN Shangxian, ZHANG Xiangwei, XU Hui, LIU Ming, XU Bin (College of Safety Engineering North China Institute of Science and Technology, Hebei State Key Laboratory of Mine Disaster Prevention, Beijing 101601, China) Abstract: The large-well-method is one of the common methods in the prediction of mine water inflow, but some- times the errors occur in the prediction, the mainly reason is that the aquifer thickness and the permeability coeffi- cient can’t reflect the actual situation and the man-made influence is big. Through statistical analysis of the re- gional structural complexity and the permeability coefficient obtained from pumping test, the positive relationship was found between the structural complexity and permeability coefficient, by using the fractal theory, the value of permeability coefficient is optimized for large-well-method to be closer to the real situation. Aiming at the changes of water inflow in different aquifers above the roof and below the floor influenced by mining disturbance


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