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(1)根据《矿井瓦斯涌出量预测方法》(AQ 1018-2006)选择分源预测法对六矿进行矿井瓦斯涌出量预测。预测结果丁5-6煤层工作面瓦斯涌出量为 25.57m3/min,掘进工作面瓦斯涌出量为5.73m3/min。根据《煤矿安全程》论证了瓦斯抽采的必要性从煤层透气性系数λ、钻孔瓦斯流量衰减系数α论证瓦斯抽采的可行性同时,对矿井瓦斯储量,可抽瓦斯量进行计算。
(2)通过分析瓦斯涌出的来源及构成得出:回采区瓦斯涌出量比例高达68%,掘进区瓦斯涌出量占 15.2%,已采区瓦斯涌出量占 16.8%。所以回采区的瓦斯抽采是重中之重。本设计的开采层瓦斯抽放方法为本层预抽方法,采用顺层布孔方式。回采区域采用顺层上下钻孔预抽区域瓦斯,掘进区域采用顺层钻孔预抽条带瓦斯,采空区采用上隅角插管抽放方法,并绘制了抽采示意图和瓦斯抽采系统图。
(3)根据《煤矿瓦斯抽采工程设计规范》(GB50471-2008)3.2.1~3.2.1 要求,本设计需分别布置高负压和低负压瓦斯抽采系统。根据管路的瓦斯纯量及瓦斯浓度,计算得出主管、分路、支管的管径;根据管路的长度及管径等参数计算出管路的摩擦阻力,进而计算出高负压抽采管路的总阻力为11892Pa,低负压抽采管路的总阻力为 9284Pa。根据需求选择合适的抽采泵,高负压泵型号为:2BE-52;低负压泵型号为:2BE-52。
关键词:煤与瓦斯突出 瓦斯涌出量预测 抽采方法 管路 设备选型Gas Drainage System Mine in Pingdingshan
Abstract:Coal and gas outburst and gas explosion are serious coal mine disasters, and many other accidents are inseparable with gas, No.6 mine in Pingdingshan working face gas emission and coal mine gas emission is greater than the required standard of regulations. Since 2005, Coal and gas outburst often happened in the process of tunnelling in No.6 mine, In the sense of guaranteeing the coal mine production safety, gas drainage system with ground-fixed pump station must be established in No.6 mine. Based on these, this design took NO.6 mine in Pingdingshan D5-6 coal seam as the object. With collecting, collating, analyzing relevant information on the coal mine, I designed the gas drainage system. The contents are as follows:
(1) According to The Mine Gas Emission Quantity Prediction Method (AQ 1018-2006), select different-source prediction method to predict mine gas emission of NO.6 mine in Pingdingshan. The results are as follows: the gas emission of coal face is 25.57m3/min and the emission of the tunneling working surface is 5.73m3/min. According to the coal Mine Safety Engineering 145 content, demonstrate the necessity