An introduction to disk drive modeling-英文文献.pdf

An introduction to disk drive modeling-英文文献.pdf

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An introduction to disk drive modeling-英文文献

An introduction to disk drive modeling Chris Ruemmler and John Wilkes Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA Much research in I/O systems is based on disk drive simulation models, but how good are they? An accurate simulation model should emphasize the performance- critical areas. This paper has been published in IEEE Computer 27(3):17–29, March 1994. It supersedes HP Labs technical reports HPL–93–68 rev 1 and HPL–OSR–93–29. Copyright © 1994 IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE. To receive more information on obtaining permission, send a blank email message to Note: this file was obtained by scanning and performing OCR on the IEEE published copy. As a result, it may contain typographic or other errors that are not in the published version. Minor clarifications and updates have been made to the bibliography. Modern microprocessor technology is advancing at an incredible rate, and speedups of 40 to 60 percent compounded annually have become the norm. Although disk storage densities are also improving impressively (60 to 80 percent compounded annually), performance improvements have been occurring at only about 7 to 10 percent compounded annually over the last decade. As a result, disk system performance is fast becoming a dominant factor in overall system behavior. Naturally, researchers want to improve overall I/O performance, of which a large component is the performance of the disk drive itself. This research often involves using analytical or simulation models to compare alternative approaches, and the quality of these models determines the quality of the conclusions; indeed, the wrong modeling assumptions can lead to erroneous conclusions. Nevertheless, little work has been done to develop or desc


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