Blind Beamforming for Non Gaussian Signals-英文文献.pdf

Blind Beamforming for Non Gaussian Signals-英文文献.pdf

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Blind Beamforming for Non Gaussian Signals-英文文献

BLIND BEAMFORMING FOR NON GAUSSIAN SIGNALS JeanFrancois Cardoso Antoine Souloumiac Tel ecom Paris CNRS URA GdR TdSI rue Barrault PARIS email cardososigenstfr Reprint from IEE Pro ceedingsF vol no pp dec Note This version p osted Jan corrects a typ o in the published manuscript In the description of step and step of the algorithm in section one now correctly reads hn rather that h as was rst erroneously written p Abstract This pap er considers an application of blind identication to b eamforming The key p oint is to use estimates of directional vectors rather than resorting to their hyp othesized value By using estimates of the directional vectors obtained via blind identicatio n ie without knowing the arrray manifold b eamforming is made robust with resp ect to array deformations distortion of the wave front p ointing errors etc so that neither array calibration nor physical mo deling are necessary Rather surprisingly blind b eamformers may outp erform informed b eamformers in a plausibl e range of parameters even when the array is perfectly known to the informed beamformer The key assumption blind identicati on relies on is the statistical indep endence of the sources which we exploit using fourthorder cumulants A computationall y ecient technique is presented for the blind estimation of directional vectors based on joint diagonaliza tion of thorder cumulant matrices its implementation is describ ed and p erformance is investigated by numerical exp eriments



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