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【2011陕西卷】 I came across a crew make a new film with one of my favorite actors. 【2011四川卷)】 The man did as told and slept really well, wake up before the alarm had even gone off. making waking 【2011辽宁卷】 The commanding officer, Wayne Tyler, who was directly responsible for the study of all such reports, decided to making his findings known. make 解决方案 (1)? 纵观全文或全句,明确句中动词所作的句子成分. (2)???系统掌握非谓语动词的句法功能. (3)?? 前后联系,整体把握 . lose my heart such many people in hurry in a short in Sunday afternoon a ∨ on so 介词多半考搭配,多、漏、误用想周到 介词、短语要牢记 短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳 【2006天津卷】 Because the help you gave me that summer, my life changed. 【2006福建卷】 I have been told one more worker will be needed this year and I think you are fit it. 【2006福建卷】 It is so a beautiful place! of for such ∧ ∧ 【2011浙江卷】 I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy. 【2011陕西卷】 ...about to leave when he walked out a building 【2011浙江卷】 There was one on particular I’d always wanted. ∨ of in 解决方案 (1)??平时的学习中注意积累语言知识,特别是一些固定搭配的记忆 . (2)??强化语法训练,分清连词,副词和介词之间的区别和句法功能 . (3) 语法知识的记忆和语感的培养结合起来 . 人称代词的性别,单复数及代词格的误用; 物主代词,反身代词以及不定代词的误用; “it” 一词的不当使用(包括用于从句中或作形式主语或宾语); Whose 和who’s,its和?it’s的混淆. 代词方面的错误主要体现在: 代词格,须领悟 短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳 人称 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 I me we us you you you you he him she her it it they them 单数 复数 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our your their 名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 【2007全国I卷】 I was only about six when he held his hand out to me. I took it in me and we walked. 【2007陕西卷】 Just at that time I woke up and found me still in bed! mine myself 【2008全国II卷】 I should be able to tell visitors about our history and culture and show them their great achievement. 【2011重庆卷】 With the help of Katia, a roommate of me, I′ve soon got used to living without my parents . 【2011全国II卷】 Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us with the wonderful meals. our mine us 解决方案 (1)? 顺藤摸


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