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2015人教版新目标八年级下册Unit1 ---Unit 重点短语 Unit 1 what’s the matter with sb.=what’s wrong with sb. (某人)怎么了?出什么事了? put on my jacket穿上我的夹克the other day前几天look a bit red看起来有点红 look after=take care of照顾right now立即,此刻just now刚才by accident意外地talk too much说得太多do sth. in the same way以同样的方式做某事take breaks away from远离see sb doing sth看见某人在做某事on the side of the road在路边上next to him在他旁边 think twice认真思考get off下车expect to do sth期盼做某事 to one’s surprise令某人惊讶的是agree to do sth同意做某事thanks to多亏 was saved by the doctors被医生们救了in time及时think about oneself 考虑某人自己 get into trouble陷入麻烦fall down摔倒tell/ask sb to do sth要某人去做某事 have problems breathing呼吸困难get sunburned晒伤be interested in对...感兴趣 be used to taking risks习惯于冒险 because of 因为a 360-kilo rock一块360公斤的岩石? do sth by oneself独自单独做某事run out of用尽,耗尽his own life他自己的命 be ready to do sth准备好做某事cut off切除. so that ... 以便,为了..so that... 如此...以至于... .... get out of离开,从...出来tell of叙述,描述 make a decision做决定be in control of掌管,管理keep on doing sth继续做某事 give up doing sth 放弃做某事a book called... 一本名叫...的书 Unit 2 使变得更高兴,使振奋 cheer up要某人(不)做某事ask sb (not) to do sth 推迟做某事put off doing sth张贴,搭建,举起put off 志愿去做某事volunteer to do sth以…为自豪be proud of… 去年夏天last summer帮助某人解决困难help sb out 强烈的满足感a strong feeling of satisfaction愉快的表情the look of joy 独自,单独by oneself=alone在…岁的时候at the age of… 学习做某事learn to do sth我喜欢做的事do what I love to do 同时at the same time为…筹款raise money for… 为…而感谢thank you for…使做某事成为可能make it possible to do sth 接电话answer the telephone我的一个朋友a friend of mine 对…感到兴奋be excited about…想出,提出(主意,计划,回答等)come up with 分发,散发give out=hand out赠送,捐赠give away 试用try out修理,安装fix up 1.?—?Kelly,?whos??the?girl__________glasses??in?the?photo?? -一It’s?me.?I?used?to?wear?glasses?and?have?long?hair.? A.?by??B.?of??C.?on??D.?with? 2.?Students?shouldn’t?go?to?school??breakfast.?It’s?bad?_________?their?health.? A.?with??B.?without??C.?for??D.?by ?3.?Victor?can?play?_________?piano.?He?can?join??the?music?club.? A.?a??B.?an??C.?the? 4.??How?do?you?like?Li?Yundi?? -?A?cool?guy!??His?music_________??r


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